Deprecated project!
RESTful web service for validation of PDF and PDF/A documents. The service uses veraPDF and FITS for format identification and validation.
- Jakarta EE Application Server (e.g. Payara Micro)
- Java 8 RE / JavaDB
- Tools veraPDF and FITS (details shown below)
Windows is not supported yet...
The service needs environment parameters like database connection information and the location of the home directory containing the tools. For details check WEB-INF/web.xml.
In case you choose to run on payara micro, add the following config parameters to a properties file:
#### --- Folder locations --- ####
# Location of the service directory
# Path to the temp folder. Used for storing uploaded files and temporary files created during validation process
#### --- Database Access --- ####
#### --- Json Web Token Setup --- ####
# JWT expiration after minutes
jwt.expiration.minutes = 35
# String key to be used for JWT
The home directory contains the tools the service is dependent on and has two subfolders:
-- verapdf
-- fits
The folder fits contains the default FITS application with at the root level.
The folder verapdf contains the executable verapdf.jar. This is a simple command line wrapper for the batch api and the source code for building it can be found here. VeraPDF was integrated into the service like this because it was originally not threadsafe. This however has changed in the meantime...
You can access the service via the optional web application, or directly via the REST API.
By default two users with default passwords will be created:
user : user
admin : admin