A comparison of three different algorithms for compressing/summarizing a network. These algorithms include:
Slice Tree: A technique based on the decomposition of the network into smooth regions using slices.
Spectral Graph Fourier: Extends the notion of the Fourier transform to graphs.
Spectral Graph Wavelets: Extends the notion of wavelets to graphs using spectral graph theory.
This project uses submodules. To clone all submodules as well, run:
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/ucsb-igert/nsc.git
Several datasets are used to benchmark these algorithms. See data/README.md
for more information about the datasets.
Two of the datasets are unprocessed. They can be processed with
$ ./processing/process_all
See processing/README.md
for more details.
After processing the datasets, experiments can be run on them. To run them all, do
$ ./experiments/run_all
See experiments/README.md
for more details.