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The goal of this repo is to provide a seamless way to develop Chisel code in a Jupyter Notebook environment.

Requirements (mac)

  • setup some virtualenv (im using python3.8.2)
  • pip install virtualenv
  • find your python3 binary: which python3 which for me is /usr/local/bin/python3
  • create virtualenv: python3 -m virtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3 chisel_nb_env
  • activate it: source chisel_nb_env/bin/activate
  • install jupyterlab (which includes jupyter notebook): pip install jupyterlab## Requirements (mac)

Setup the Jupyter Scala kernel Almond (

  • Borrowed from the Chisel-Bootcamp install guide:
  • If you experience errors or issues with this section, try running rm -rf ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/scala/ first.
  • Next, download coursier (our dependency manager) and use it to install almond (our kernel wrapped around Ammonite) (see here for the source for these instructions):
curl -L -o coursier && chmod +x coursier
./coursier bootstrap -r jitpack \
    -i user -I user:sh.almond:scala-kernel-api_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
    sh.almond:scala-kernel_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
    --sources --default=true \
    -o almond
./almond --install
  • You can delete coursier and almond files if you so desire.

Start JupyterLab

  • Making sure you are in your virtualenv then run: jupyter lab

Project Structure

  • By default, notebook source files (.ipynb) will live in the nbs folder.
  • Upon running notebook2script() the notebooks in nbs will export code to .sc files in the nbdev folder. These are auto-generated files that can be imported back into notebooks via Ammonite: For example import $file.MyMod, MyMod._ imports the contents of the file

Testing Notebooks

  • Currently can run nbdev_test_nbs('MyMod.ipynb') to run all of the tests contained in the MyMod.ipynb notebook.
  • Tests are identified by either omitting any export flags (//export) or by including special flags defined in settings.ini (i.e //slowtest or chiseltest).


  • Configurations belong in this file.