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[en] Remote Shell
TODO: Check automated translation below for accuracy
File list
ls -la Immediately after the shell startup directory is the root.
Package name enumeration
pm list packages Package name of the installation has been app are listed.
When only do not remember a part of the package name pm list packages [パッケージ名]it can be filtered as.
Package Delete
pm uninstall [パッケージ名] The command other package managers Android Developers | ADB pm see.
The contents of the file
cat /sdcard/hoge.txt Use to easily check the contents of the file that you have read access.
App start-up of
Start of Activity (ACTION_VIEW + URL)
am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d http://google.com Start of Activity (specify the name of the class)
am start -n com.hoge.app/.FugaActivity Start-up of service
am startservice ... # Intentの指定方法はActivityと同じ Broadcast of
am broadcast ... # Intentの指定方法はActivityと同じ Key event transmission
input keyevent 3 # HOMEキー Numeric value that specifies the key code.
Key code KeyEvent | Android Developers see.
Screen recording (from KitKat4.4)
It can record up to three minutes operation information.
pre screenrecord [options] [options] is ADB screenrecord | Android Developers see.
filenameSpecifies the path to the terminal side.
screenrecord /sdcard/movie/sample.mp4 Memory proprietary situation
dumpsys procstats [パッケージ名] Example: dumpsys procstats com.android.chrome
Other shell command
To get the list of executable shell command, run the following command.
ls /system/bin More detailed reference is here .