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Alessandro Febretti edited this page Jan 14, 2016 · 9 revisions

module omega wraps omega::DisplayConfig

Last revision: ver. 6.0-alpha6 - 18 Aug 2014

Represents the currently active display configuration. The configuration can be accessed through the global function DisplayConfig getDisplayConfig()

Property Description
forceMono Forces mono rendering for all tiles in the configuration. This setting overrides the global and tile-specific stereo mode.
stereoMode Sets the default stereo mode for all display tiles. See the StereoMode section for more information.
panopticStereoEnabled When set to true, tiles use panoptic stereo to render off-axis stereo. Panoptic stereo is used to allow non-tracked users to see close to correct stereo when only one user has tracking.
(v6.0) string canvasChangedCommand A command to be called when the canvas rect changes.
Method Description
(v6.0) setCanvasRect(Rect r), Rect getCanvasRect() Sets or gets the current canvas rect (the global viewport) for this application.
(v9.0) bringToFront() Make sure the canvas for this display configuration is on top of any other application.
(v10.3) bool hasRayPointMapper() Returns true if this configuration has a ray-point mapper function for the display geometry. Ray-point mapper functions are used to speed-up ray to display surface intersections, by using an ideal representation of the display geometry.
(v10.3) Vector3 rayToPoint(Ray r) Computes the intersection of a ray with the display geometry. returns a display surface point in normalized coordinates, or (-1, -1) if no intersection was found.


The StereoMode enumeration lists supported stereo modes. The supported values are

  • Mono
  • LineInterleaved: Row interleaving
  • ColumnInterleaved: Column interleaving
  • PixelInterleaved: Checkerboard interleaving
  • SideBySide: Side-by-side stereo
  • Default: used by tile configuration to set stereo mode to whatever is used by the display configuration. Do not use this at the stereo mode for DisplayConfig.
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