A few generators to make it easy to integrate your Rails models with graphql-ruby. I created this because I was wasting too many keystrokes copying my model schema by hand to create graphql types.
This project contains generators that look at your ActiveRecord model schema and generates graphql types for you.
gql:model_type Post
- Generate a graphql type for a modelgql:input Post
- Generate a graphql input type for a modelgql:mutation Update Post
- Generate a graphql mutation class for a modelgql:search_object
- A search object based on SearchObjectGraphQL
gem 'graphql-rails-generators', group: :development
This library only supports ActiveRecord, though it would be fairly trivial to add support for other ORMs.
Generate a model type from a model.
$ rails generate gql:model_type MODEL_CLASS
- customize the file/class name, useful if you don't want the default Type suffix.
# app/graphql/post_type.rb
module Types
class PostType < Types::BaseObject
field :id, Int, null: true
field :title, String, null: true
field :body, String, null: true
field :created_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: true
field :updated_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: true
Generate an input type from a model.
rails generate gql:input Post
- customize the file/class name, useful if you don't want the default Input suffix.
# app/graphql/types/post_input.rb
module Types
module Input
class PostInput < Types::BaseInputObject
argument :title, String, required: false
argument :body, String, required: false
Generate create, update and delete mutations for a model.
rails generate gql:mutations Post
# app/graphql/types/post_input.rb
module Types
module Input
class PostInput < Types::BaseInputObject
argument :title, String, required: false
argument :body, String, required: false
Generate a mutation class from a model.
A quick note about the mutation generator...
The mutation generator generates something akin to an "upsert" mutation. It takes two arguments: an optional id
and an optional attributes
, which is the input type for the model. If you pass an id
, it will attempt to find the model by the id
and update it, otherwise it will initialize a new model and attempt to save it.
rails generate gql:mutation Update Post
# app/graphql/mutations/update_post.rb
module Mutations
class UpdatePost < Mutations::BaseMutation
field :post, Types::PostType, null: true
argument :attributes, Types::Input::PostInput, required: true
argument :id, Int, required: false
def resolve(attributes:, id: nil)
model = find_or_build_model(id)
model.attributes = attributes.to_h
if model.save
{post: model}
{errors: model.errors.full_messages}
def find_or_build_model(id)
if id
Generate a search object from a model using SearchObjectGraphQL
If you have not yet created a base search resolver:
rails g gql:model_search_base
*Adds gem 'search_object_graphql'
to gemfile
# app/graphql/resolvers/base_search_resolver.rb
module Resolvers
class BaseSearchResolver < GraphQL::Schema::Resolver
require 'search_object'
require 'search_object/plugin/graphql'
include SearchObject.module(:graphql)
Then generate a search object for your model:
rails g gql:model_search Post
# app/graphql/resolvers/post_search.rb
module Resolvers
class PostSearch < Resolvers::BaseSearchResolver
type [Types::PostType], null: false
description "Lists posts"
scope { Post.all }
option(:id, type: Int) { |scope, value| scope.where id: value }
option(:title, type: String) { |scope, value| scope.where title: value }
option(:body, type: Int) { |scope, value| scope.where rating: value }
option(:created_at, type: GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime) { |scope, value| scope.where created_at: value }
option(:updated_at, type: GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime) { |scope, value| scope.where updated_at: value }
def resolve
This will also insert a search field into the beginning of query_type.rb
module Types
class QueryType < Types::BaseObject
field :posts, resolver: Resolvers::PostSearch