Fiddler extension for downloading watched pluralsight course videos. I have a relatively slower internet at home so need offline availability to revisit videos. My experience with offline downloader of pluralsight was not very good.
#Why a separate downloader: I have a working pluralsight subscription and also used the offline downloader provided by them. Its limit of 30 courses annoys me a lot and i can not use on my mobile because of limited space.
#How it Works:
- This allows to save only videos which I have watched and does not scrap pluralsight website.
- It saves the videos in a directory structure for me and there is no limit for number of downloads.
#How To Use:
- Build the project and paste the output dll in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fiddler4\Scripts or the scripts folder on your computer.
- It creates a new thread for downloading so do not go on a frenzy, else you might get blocked.
- Just watch the pluralsight videos as you would and leave the rest to this extension.
There is no need to store your credentials etc. in it but just provide folder path for downloading.
Future: Updated to load from settings or xml file.
Please report bugs that you find in this code or any objections. Apache 2.0 License