aiodatastore is a low level and high performance asyncio client for Google Datastore REST API. Inspired by gcloud-aio library, thanks!
Key advantages:
lazy properties loading (that's why it's fast, mostly)
explicit value types for properties (no types guessing)
strictly following Google Datastore REST API data structures
pip install aiodatastore
from aiodatastore import Datastore
client = Datastore("project1", service_file="/path/to/file")
You can also set namespace if needed:
from aiodatastore import Datastore
client = Datastore("project1", service_file="/path/to/file", namespace="namespace1")
To use Datastore emulator (for tests or development), just define DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST
environment variable (usually value is
from aiodatastore import Key, PartitionId, PathElement
key = Key(PartitionId("project1"), [PathElement("Kind1")])
You can also set namespace for key:
from aiodatastore import Key, PartitionId, PathElement
key = Key(PartitionId("project1", namespace_id="namespace1"), [PathElement("Kind1")])
And id
or name
for path element:
from aiodatastore import Key, PartitionId, PathElement
key1 = Key(PartitionId("project1"), [PathElement("Kind1", id="12345")])
key2 = Key(PartitionId("project1"), [PathElement("Kind1", name="name1")])
To create an entity object, you have to specify key and properties. Properties is a dict with string keys and typed values. For each data type the library provides corresponding value class. Every value (except ArrayValue) can be indexed or not (indexed by default):
from aiodatastore import Entity, Key, PartitionId, PathElement
from aiodatastore import (
key = Key(PartitionId("project1"), [PathElement("Kind1")])
entity = Entity(key, properties={
"array-prop": ArrayValue([NullValue(), IntegerValue(123), StringValue("str1")]),
"bool-prop": BooleanValue(True),
"blob-prop": BlobValue("data to store as blob"),
"double-prop": DoubleValue(1.23, indexed=False),
"geo-prop": GeoPointValue(LatLng(1.23, 4.56)),
"integer-prop": IntegerValue(123),
"null-prop": NullValue(),
"string-prop": StringValue("str1"),
"timestamp-prop": TimestampValue(datetime.datetime.utcnow()),
To access property value use .value
Use .value
attribute to change property value and keep index status. Or assign new value and set index:
print(entity["integer-prop"].value, entity["integer-prop"].indexed)
123, True
entity["integer-prop"].value = 456
print(entity["integer-prop"].value, entity["integer-prop"].indexed)
456, True
entity["integer-prop"] = IntegerValue(789, indexed=False)
print(entity["integer-prop"].value, entity["integer-prop"].indexed)
789, False
Use .indexed
attribute to access or change index:
entity["integer-prop"].indexed = True
To insert new entity (the entity key's final path element may be incomplete):
key = Key(PartitionId("project1"), [PathElement("Kind1")])
entity = Entity(key, properties={
"string-prop": StringValue("some value"),
await client.insert(entity)
To update an entity (the entity must already exist. Must have a complete key path):
entity["string-prop"] = StringValue("new value")
await client.update(entity)
To upsert an entity (the entity may or may not already exist. The entity key's final path element may be incomplete):
key = Key(PartitionId("project1"), [PathElement("Kind1")])
entity = Entity(key, properties={
"string-prop": StringValue("some value"),
await client.upsert(entity)
To delete an entity (the entity may or may not already exist. Must have a complete key path and must not be reserved/read-only):
await client.delete(entity)
If you have entity's key or know how to build it:
await client.delete(key)