Hi there 👋!
I am a Computational Political Scientist teaching at the Department of Political Science and the Computational Social Sciences Program at UC San Diego.
My methodological research uses deep learning to optimally combine tabular (data frames) and non-tabular data (images, video, audio, GIS data) sources. My substantive research focuses on improving public goods provision in developing democracies.
My papers have contributed to understanding the nexus between legislature size and welfare, failures in bottom-up accountability, the effects of elite capturing, and elite preferences toward climate change mitigation agreements.
My research has been published or is forthcoming in the American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, Journal of Experimental Political Science, Research and Politics, and Global Environmental Politics.
Here you can find my CV and information about The DeepVerse Lab.
DeepComplete: Deep Learning Approach to Missing Data Imputation.
DeepNominate: Deep Learning Approach to Ideal Point Estimation.
MRdeeP: Matching Estimators with Deep Learning.
DeepMatch: Matching Estimators with Deep Learning.
2024. Mignozzetti, U.; Cepaluni, G.; Freire, D. Legislature Size and Welfare: Evidence from Brazil. American Journal of Political Science. [link] [replication]
2023. Freire, D.; Mignozzetti, U.; Roman, C.; Alptekin, H. The Effect of Legislature Size on Public Spending: A Meta-Analysis. British Journal of Political Science, 53(2): 776-788. [link] [replication]
2022. Spektor, M.; Mignozzetti, U.; Fasolin, G. Nationalist Backlash against Foreign Climate Shaming. Global Environmental Politics, 22 (1): 139–158. [link] [replication]
2021. Freire, D.; Mignozzetti, U.; Skarbek, D. Institutional Design and Elite Support for Climate Policies: Evidence from Latin American Countries. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 8 (2). [link] [replication]
2020. França, G.; Freire, D.; Mignozzetti, U. (org.), Natural Resources and Policy Choices in Latin America. Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung. [link]
2020. Freire, D.; Galdino, M.; Mignozzetti, U.. Bottom-Up Accountability and Public Service Provision: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Brazil. Research and Politics, 7 (2). [link] [replication]
2019. Mignozzetti, U.; Freire, D.; Santos, L.; Santana, L.; Liberato, N. Geopolitics of Renewable Energies in Latin America: a Survey. Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung. [link]
2019. Mignozzetti, U.; Spektor, M. When Political Oligarchies Limit Polarization but Fuel Populism. In T. Carothers & A. O'Donohue (Eds.), Democracies Divided: The Global Challenge of Political Polarization. Brookings Institution Press. [link]
2014. Beck, N.; Katz, J.; Mignozzetti, U. Of Nickell bias and its cures: Comment on Gaibulloev, Sandler, and Sul. Political Analysis, 22 (2). [link] [replication]
2014. Vasselai, F.; Mignozzetti, U. O Efeito das Emendas ao Orçamento no Comportamento Parlamentar e a Dimensão Temporal. [Budget Amendments and Legislators' Behavior] Dados, 57(3): 817-853. [link]
2012. Almeida, M.; Mignozzetti, U.; Pereira, A. Brasil: Las Capas Medias en Las Elecciones Presidenciales de 2010. In Paramio, L. Clases Medias y Procesos Electorales en América Latina, Ed. Catarata. [link]
2012. Mignozzetti, U.; Galdino, M.; Felix, A. L.; Cezar, I.; Sanches, M.; Bernabel, R. Ensino Superior e Voto: análise do comportamento eleitoral da comunidade uspiana em 2010. Opinião Pública, 18(2): 513-535. [link]
2012. Mignozzetti, U.; Galdino, M.; Bernabel, R. Um Modelo para Explicar as Coligações Eleitorais para a Câmara Federal Brasileira (1998-2006). Revista PolÃtica Hoje, 20(2): 741-788. [link]
2012. Bernabel, R.; Mignozzetti, U. Grupos de Interesse, Preferências dos Parlamentares e Pressão Midiática. Paraná Eleitoral 1(2): 147-159. [link]
2011. Carneiro, L. P.; Mignozzetti, U.; Moreira, R. O Poder Ausente: o Congresso Nacional e Segurança Pública no Brasil. In Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung (ed.) O Papel do Congresso Nacional no presidencialismo de coalizão. [link]
2011. Mignozzetti, U. O Impacto da Corrupção sobre a Qualidade do Governo Democrático. Plural, 18(2): 111-134. [link]
2011. Mignozzetti, U.; Bernabel, R.; Galdino, M. Faz alguma diferença corrigir as Distorções de Representação no Brasil? In Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung (ed.) O Papel do Congresso Nacional no presidencialismo de coalizão. [link]