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Alexis Lucattini edited this page Mar 9, 2022 · 16 revisions


This is a 'growing' collection of day-to-day use cases where cwl-ica and ica-ica-lazy can help Some experience of ica-ica-lazy and cwl-ica is expected by the reader in this section.

Story 1: Debugging a rogue sample by tinkering parameters


You've been given the task of inspecting an output vcf that just doesn't quite look right,
and have been tasked with re-running the variant calling workflow albeit with some alternative parameters.
The input and output data sit in the production project which you have read-only access to, and you would like to re-run the workflow in the development project (a linked project to development_workflows). The workflow name is dragen-somatic-pipeline and the version is 3.9.3.
The output data is in:

Step 1: Determining the workflow ID.

We can use the command gds-blame from ica-ica-lazy to determine the workflow id that created the output directory.

ica-context-switcher --project-name production --scope read-only
gds-blame --gds-path gds://production/analysis_data/SBJ01051/L2101235_L2101224/tumor_normal/2021-11-06__06-30-12/SBJ01051/

From this we can confirm that workflow run id wfr.1a4523f298d746249187ff1b5ace7b8f was responsible for this output.

We can see the inputs to this workflow with the following command:

ica workflows runs get --output-format=json wfr.1a4523f298d746249187ff1b5ace7b8f | \
jq --raw-output '.input | fromjson'

To replicate this workflow we need to copy over the fastq data into the development project.

Let's go ahead and do that now!

Step 2: Migrating data over to the development project

We can use the command gds-migrate from ica-ica-lazy to copy the data over to the development project.
Because we need to be in two-contexts at once here, gds-migrate will handle our tokens this time (we don't need to be in any particular context to launch this command).


The command below will copy all fastqs in this directory over to the development project. Currently looking into regex support so that only certain files are copied over.

gds-migrate \
  --src-project production \
  --src-path gds://production/primary_data/211104_A00130_0181_AHWC25DSX2/WGS_TsqNano/ \
  --dest-project development \
  --dest-path gds://development/debugging/211104_A00130_0181_AHWC25DSX2/WGS_TsqNano/input-fastqs/

You will see a task id (starting with trn.). You can use the command below to determine if your task has completed.

ica tasks runs get trn.... --output-format=json | \
jq --raw-output '.status'

Step 3: Replicating the workflow

We can use the create-workflow-submission-template subcommand to mimic the inputs to the workflow run we found in step 1.

cwl-ica create-workflow-submission-template \
  --workflow-path workflows/dragen-somatic-pipeline/3.9.3/dragen-somatic-pipeline__3.9.3.cwl \
  --prefix debug-sample-SBJ01051 \
  --project development_workflows \
  --launch-project development \
  --ica-workflow-run-instance-id wfr.1a4523f298d746249187ff1b5ace7b8f \

This will create the output files:

  • debug-sample-SBJ01051.template.yaml

Phoa, quite a lot to unpack there, let's break down the parameters a little:

  • workflow-path: Path to the cwl workflow used in original run
  • prefix: The prefix for the output files, also used as the name of the workflow run.
  • project: The project that the workflow we wish to launch is registered in
  • launch-project: The linked-project to the 'project' parameter that we wish to launch the workflow from.
  • ica-workflow-run-instance-id: The workflow run id that has the parameters we wish to copy
  • ignore-workflow-id-mismatch: Ignore differences between workflow id in 'ica-workflow-run-instance-id' parameter and workflow id in 'project'.
    • Needed for when the project we launched from is different to the project the template run instance is from (in this case production_workflows).

Step 4: Updating our inputs

I would highly recommend using an IDE for this section

Let's go through and find-and-replace our gds-path inputs in debug-sample-SBJ01051.template.yaml:

  • Replace gds://production/primary_data/211104_A00130_0181_AHWC25DSX2/WGS_TsqNano/
  • With gds://development/debugging/211104_A00130_0181_AHWC25DSX2/WGS_TsqNano/input-fastqs/

Replace our reference tar ball:

  • Replace: gds://production/reference-data/dragen_hash_tables/v8/hg38/altaware-cnv-anchored/hg38-v8-altaware-cnv-anchored.tar.gz
  • With gds://development/reference-data/dragen_hash_tables/v8/hg38/altaware-cnv-anchored/hg38-v8-altaware-cnv-anchored.tar.gz

Tinker with any additional parameters (you may need to 'uncomment' some lines to do this).

Step 5: Updating our engine parameters

Let's set the workDirectory and outputDirectory engine parameters for this workflow.

Step 6: Check parameters are sound

Let's go ahead and use the ica-check-cwl-inputs from ica-ica-lazy to make sure all of our input files exist and all input names are consistent with the workflow version registered on ICA.

You will need to enter the development context first

ica-context-switcher --project-name 'development' --scope 'admin'

You can find this code snippet inside

# Convert yaml into json with yq
echo 'Converting debug-sample-SBJ01051.template.yaml to json' 1>&2
json_path=$(mktemp debug-sample-SBJ01051.template.XXX.json)
yq eval --output-format=json '.' debug-sample-SBJ01051.template.yaml > "$json_path"

# Validate workflow inputs against ICA workflow version
echo 'Validating workflow inputs against ICA workflow version definition (if ica-ica-lazy is installed)' 1>&2
if type "ica-check-cwl-inputs" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    ica-check-cwl-inputs \
      --input-json "$json_path" \
      --ica-workflow-id "wfl.32e346cdbb854f6487e7594ec17a81f9" \
      --ica-workflow-version-name "3.9.3"

Step 6: Launch the workflow

Run the following command to launch the workflow:


Story 2: Uploading data from HPC


There have been some instances where using the ica binary has meant that files larger than 80 Gb were not able to be uploaded to gds.

I would highly recommend using gds-sync-upload from ica-ica-lazy which assumes the user has aws v2 installed over the ica binary for any upload or download of files to gds.

In this story we will go through two examples of uploading data to gds using gds-sync-upload.
One where the user has ica-ica-lazy installed on HPC and the latter where ica-ica-lazy is installed only on the user's laptop.

Some extra reading

gds-sync-upload and gds-sync-download allow the user to add in additional aws s3 sync commands to customise the upload / download to contain only the files of interest.

This story exposes the user to the --include and --exclude aws s3 sync parameters.
These parameters work in the opposite order to rsync parameters.
Here, the parameters are prioritised from right to left.

For example, the following code will include all files ending in .fastq.gz but omit all else.

aws s3 sync ... --exclude '*' --include '*fastq.gz'

We can use the --dryrun parameter to ensure that our logic is correct before running the command.

Uploading from HPC with gds-sync-upload

This is by far the simplest way, we expect the user to have an admin token installed onto the project they wish to upload to.

Step 1: Enter HPC and then enter context

ssh [email protected]

ica-context-switcher --scope admin --project development

Step 2: Run upload command (with dry-run)

gds-sync-upload \
  --src-path /g/data/gx8/projects/Mitchell_temp/DRAGEN_Debug/2021-11-15T0656_All_WGS_SBJ00040/data/ \
  --gds-path gds://umccr-temp-data-dev/helen/wgs/SBJ00040/fastq/ \
  --exclude='*' \
  --include='190418_A00130_0101_BHKJT3DSXX_SBJ00040_MDX190025_L1900373_R*_001.fastq.gz' \

We should expect only the paired reads from the MDX190025 sample to be uploaded, observe the logs carefully.

Step 3: Run upload command

Now re-run the command but omit the the dryrun parameter

gds-sync-upload \
  --src-path /g/data/gx8/projects/Mitchell_temp/DRAGEN_Debug/2021-11-15T0656_All_WGS_SBJ00040/data/ \
  --gds-path gds://umccr-temp-data-dev/helen/wgs/SBJ00040/fastq/ \
  --exclude='*' \

Uploading from HPC with gds-sync-upload (via a local desktop)

We use the --write-script-path to first write the script to a file and then execute elsewhere.
Rather than having to write the file locally and then upload to HPC, we can do this all in one step by using /dev/stdout and the | parameter.

Step 1: Enter context on laptop

ica-context-switcher --scope admin --project development

Step 2: Create bash script and upload to HPC

gds-sync-upload \
  --src-path /g/data/gx8/projects/Mitchell_temp/DRAGEN_Debug/2021-11-15T0656_All_WGS_SBJ00040/data/ \
  --gds-path gds://umccr-temp-data-dev/helen/wgs/SBJ00040/fastq/ \
  --write-script-path /dev/stdout \
  --exclude='*' \
  --include='190418_A00130_0101_BHKJT3DSXX_SBJ00040_MDX190025_L1900373_R*_001.fastq.gz' \
  --dryrun | \
ssh [email protected] 'cat >'

We should expect only the paired reads from the MDX190025 sample to be uploaded, observe the logs carefully.

Step 3: Enter HPC and run file

Observe the logs carefully, ensure output matches expected files to be uploaded

ssh [email protected]


Step 4: Edit file and remove '--dryrun'

Edit the file on HPC and remove the --dryrun parameter from the aws s3 sync command.

Then re-run the script


A note on login nodes

Your system may prevent you from running resource heavy commands on login nodes, therefore, please prefix the command with the appropriate scheduling system command, i.e srun, qsub etc.

Story 3: Using the CWL-ICA api to query run usages

This uses a python object


You should have ica-ica-lazy installed and have installed cwl-ica through conda.

You may wish to install seaborn for step 5.

conda install seaborn \
  --yes \
  --channel conda-forge \ 
  --name cwl-ica 

Step 1: Enter a project (with at-least read only scope)

Create a token if it doesn't already exist

ica-add-access-token --project-name production --scope read-only

Enter the project

ica-context-switcher --project-name production --scope read-only

Activate the cwl-ica conda env

conda activate cwl-ica

Then open up an ipython console (every subsequent step is completed in this console)

Step 2: Module Imports / Globals

  • Import the ICAWorkflowRun class from cwl-ica,

  • Import the environ module from os so we can collect our token.

  • And attrgetter from the operator for some list handling

  • And seaborn for working with some plot generation

from classes.ica_workflow_run import ICAWorkflowRun
from os import environ
from operator import attrgetter
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

For globals, we set our workflow run id we will be interacting with.

WORKFLOW_RUN_ID = "wfr.a448336414e14de0949812bbe135c4b1"

Step 3: Import a ctTSO run

cttso_run = ICAWorkflowRun(WORKFLOW_RUN_ID, project_token=environ["ICA_ACCESS_TOKEN"])

Let's see what methods and attributes are available to us

 for item in dir(cttso_run)
 if not item.startswith("__")

Step 4: Investigating tasks inside a workflow

First let's see how many tasks there are


Wow! Let's see the methods for a given task run object

 for item in dir(cttso_run.ica_task_objs[0])
 if not item.startswith("__")

Let's see which task took the longest

longest_task = max(cttso_run.ica_task_objs, key=lambda item: item.task_duration)
print(f"{longest_task.task_name} took {longest_task.task_duration} seconds to complete")
tso500-ctdna-analysis-workflow__1.1.0--120.cwl took 16017 seconds to complete

Let's have a look at some of the metrics of this task

timestamp cpu memory
0 1637747210 2.0 0.8
3 1637747269 0.5 3.7
4 1637747323 15.5 37.3
6 1637747387 3.3 13.1
8 1637747451 3.5 24.8
... ... ... ...
492 1637762094 1.0 30.1
494 1637762155 1.0 31.2
497 1637762207 1.0 32.5
498 1637762273 0.0 31.4
500 1637762329 0.0 31.4

253 rows × 3 columns

Step 5: Plotting some metrics

Let's plot the cpu and memory of this task over time

from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
from datetime import datetime

def epoch_to_human_readable(x, position):
    # Convert time in seconds to hours or minutes
    timestamp_obj = datetime.fromtimestamp(x)
    if x == 0:
        return 0
    s = f"{timestamp_obj.hour:02d}:{timestamp_obj.minute:02d}"
    return s
# Set ax values
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# Plot CPU
cpu_ax = sns.lineplot(x="timestamp", y="cpu", data=longest_task.task_metrics, ax=ax)

# Plot Mem
mem_ax = sns.lineplot(x="timestamp", y="memory", 
                      color='orange', ax=cpu_ax.twinx())

# Set title
fig.suptitle(f"CPU / Mem overtime for {longest_task.task_name}")

# Set xlabel
ax.set_xlabel("Time (HH:MM)")
ax.set_xticklabels(cpu_ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha='right');

# Set ylabel
mem_ax.set_ylabel("Memory (GB)");

# Set boundaries


Story 4: Testing new versions of tools with engine parameter overrides


There are some CWL workflows we may wish to test frequently, with new versions of tools.
It may be useful to test with a plugin rather than updating the tool itself, which may be disruptive to other users in that project.

An example of such a tool is umccrise.


You should have ica-ica-lazy installed and have installed cwl-ica through conda.

Activate the cwl-ica conda env and enter the context you wish to launch your project in.

# Enter cwl-ica conda env
conda activate cwl-ica

# Add context switcher
ica-context-switcher --scope admin --project-name development

Step 1: Using an existing workflow run template

Similar to story 1, we will use a previous workflow run to initialise our workflow run yaml template.

cwl-ica create-workflow-submission-template \
  --prefix umccrise-prod-test \
  --workflow-path workflows/umccrise-with-dragen-germline-pipeline/2.0.0--3.9.3/umccrise-with-dragen-germline-pipeline__2.0.0--3.9.3.cwl \
  --ica-workflow-run-instance-id wfr.191ae274ea4d4d29a5087f39306826c0 \
  --project production_workflows \
  --launch-project production \

This will create the files umccrise-prod-test.template.yaml and

Step 2: Getting the workflow step ids

In order to edit the umccrise tool, we will need to know the step ids of the umccrise pipeline.

cwl-ica get-workflow-step-ids \
  --workflow-path workflows/umccrise-with-dragen-germline-pipeline/2.0.0--3.9.3/umccrise-with-dragen-germline-pipeline__2.0.0--3.9.3.cwl

This yields

[   'get_tumor_bam_file_from_somatic_directory',

Step 3: Updating the docker tag for a tool through engine parameter overrides

Now we can update the docker tag through the engine parameter overrides in umccrise-prod-test.template.yaml like so:

          dockerPull: "<new_docker_image_path/tag>"

Story 5: Sharing data to an external user with HPC access


Not all customers are going to have ICA installed or have an ICA account.
While we can provide them with a list of presigned urls, this isn't very practical for most users and does not provide the correct directory structure.

In this tutorial we expect the external user to have:

  • Some basic unix commandline knowledge
  • Access to a unix system with jq, python3 and wget installed
  • Access to a file system with adequate space to download data (such as HPC)

In this tutorial I will be providing an external client with a reference dataset from gds.
The client can then download the files to the NCI supercomputer cluster called gadi.


You should have ica-ica-lazy installed and have installed cwl-ica through conda.

Activate the cwl-ica conda env and enter the context you wish to launch your project in.

# Enter cwl-ica conda env
conda activate cwl-ica

# Add context switcher
ica-context-switcher --scope read-only --project-name development

Step 1: Create the download script

Run the following command to create a download script for a specific folder

gds-create-download-script \
  --gds-path gds://development/qc_reference_data/ \
  --output-prefix qc_reference_data

We now have the file which has a suite of presigned urls inside a very long base64 string.
The external client does not need to have any knowledge of presigned urls or base64 in order to run the script.

Step 2: Place the script on HPC / pass to external user

In this example I will upload our script to my home directory on NCI through scp.
You may send through this script however means necessary (although securely) to your external client.

scp [email protected]:/home/563/al9223/

Step 3: Run the download script.

This step is run by the external client

It is not recommended running anything on the login node on gadi so first the client runs an interactive qsub command.

qsub \
  -I \
  -P gx8 \
  -q copyq -l walltime=10:00:00,ncpus=1,mem=10G,storage=gdata/gx8+scratch/gx8

Once in the copy queue the client can run the following command

bash --help

  Usage (--output-directory <output_directory>)

    Download a suite of files from gds://development/qc_reference_data/

    --output-directory:  Local output path

    * jq
    * python3

Specify the output directory for where we would like to store this data on our HPC

bash --output-directory /scratch/gx8/al9223/tmp/reference_data/

And we're done!!

Story 6: Meeting notes




  • You're in the cwl-ica conda env


Enter context

This command updates our console's ${ICA_ACCESS_TOKEN} environment variable so we can use both ica-ica-lazy and ica commands.

ica-context-switcher --scope admin --project-name development


Finding a relevant umccrise-germline pipeline
ica workflows runs list --max-items=0 | grep umccrise | less

We then chose wfr.191ae274ea4d4d29a5087f39306826c0.

🚧 We then had an issue with running the following command

$ cwl-ica create-workflow-submission-template \
  --access-token "${ICA_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
  --ica-workflow-run-instance-id "wfr.191ae274ea4d4d29a5087f39306826c0" \
  --launch-project development \
  --project development_workflows \
  --prefix 'umccrise-testing' \
  --workflow-path "${CWL_ICA_REPO_PATH}/workflows/umccrise-with-dragen-germline-pipeline/2.0.1--3.9.3/umccrise-with-dragen-germline-pipeline__2.0.1--3.9.3.cwl"

Because it tries to get pod-metrics which have since been deleted - this error will be fixed at some point.

In future we can use the following logic to make sure that the workDirectory still exists for this workflow.

$ ica workflows runs get wfr.191ae274ea4d4d29a5087f39306826c0 --include engineParameters -o json | \
  jq '.engineParameters | fromjson | .workDirectory'
$ ica folders get "gds://wfr.191ae274ea4d4d29a5087f39306826c0/umccrise-workflow-testing"
Folder not found

If work directory does not exist we cannot use --ica-workflow-run-instance-id. Again, will be fixed in a coming release.

Create a umccrise-germline template without values prefilled

Same as above, just without the --ica-workflow-run-instance-id. If we don't have the --ica-workflow-run-instance-id we also don't need the access token.

cwl-ica create-workflow-submission-template \
  --launch-project development \
  --project development_workflows \
  --prefix 'umccrise-testing' \
  --workflow-path "${CWL_ICA_REPO_PATH}/workflows/umccrise-with-dragen-germline-pipeline/2.0.1--3.9.3/umccrise-with-dragen-germline-pipeline__2.0.1--3.9.3.cwl"

Now populate umccrise-testing.template.yaml replacing gds:// placeholders with actual gds file inputs.

Also comment out any parameters you don't need.

We can also use the following command to get the input attribute from the ica-workflow-run-instance-id.

If yq --prettyPrint doesn't work you may need to update your yq command

ica workflows runs get -o json wfr.191ae274ea4d4d29a5087f39306826c0 | \
  jq --raw-output '.input | fromjson | {"input": .}' | \
  yq --prettyPrint

Remember to specify the engineParameters outputDirectory and workDirectory attributes. You can also comment them out, just don't leave them blank

Launch the umccrise+germline workflow

bash umccrise-testing.launch.yaml

WTS Tool testing

Even though it's run through WES, WTS itself is a tool attribute. Therefor all of our cwl-ica commands will replace 'workflow' with 'tool'.

Create template

Generate the WTS tool template like so:

cwl-ica create-tool-submission-template \
  --access-token "${ICA_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
  --launch-project development \
  --project development_workflows \
  --prefix 'wts-tool-testing' \
  --tool-path "${CWL_ICA_REPO_PATH/tools/dragen-transcriptome/3.9.3/dragen-transcriptome__3.9.3.cwl"
Edit template

Again edit the template, comment out any parameters you don't need, and fix the engine parameters

Launch tool.

Run bash to launch the tool.


For PON QC we have a workflow run instance id to copy that won't cause an error, yay!

Create the workflow template
cwl-ica create-workflow-submission-template \
  --access-token "${ICA_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
  --ica-workflow-run-instance-id "wfr.e0cccb29cf44482182507bd33579270c" \
  --launch-project development \
  --project development_workflows \
  --prefix 'pon-testing' \
  --workflow-path "${CWL_ICA_REPO_PATH}/workflows/dragen-pon-qc/3.9.3/dragen-pon-qc__3.9.3.cwl"
Update yaml

Again edit the template, comment out any parameters you don't need, and fix the engine parameters.

Most of this work will have been done for you with the template now mimicking the inputs of the workflow run instance id specified in the previous command

Launch the workflow
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