The source code of the WICS website is only available for use to develop the WICS official website by the WICS website committee.
WICS website committee members can only contribute code to the codebase and are forbidden to share the website code with anyone outside WICS website committee.
You don't need much to work on the site, just a text editor and a few basic tools.
Here is a guide to get you started.
If you run into issues with this guide, don't hesitate to reach out over Slack, we're happy to help out!
See this article.
You don't need to worry about the "Authenticating with GitHub from Git" section, just complete 1-3.
To install Node.js and npm, go here and follow the instructions.
Now that you have Git installed.
- clone the repository
$ git clone
- then change directory to it with this command:
$ cd wics-site-2020
- Next, create a new branch.
Note: You should name it something concise but relevant to what you're going to work on. Here I've used the name
to describe what my branch will contain.
$ git checkout -b fix-broken-link
Now feel free to make changes to the site! Now to preview changes to the site.
npm install
npm run dev
# If you face this type of problem when tried to run the website(what i did): Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported
# Enter it into terminal in order to fix the problem:
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
# or
yarn dev
- You should see a message that ends with these lines (or similar):
> [email protected] dev C:\Users\Juhee\Documents\projects\wics-site-2020
> next
ready - started server on http://localhost:3000
event - compiled successfully
Now you can navigate to http://localhost:3000
to view the website.
While the site is running in the terminal, you can edit pages and they will update in real time.
If you are modifying a page that uses our API or requires authentication you probably want to have access to the firebase project.
You can reach out to us on slack and we will give you the API key's required to work on the page. Once you have the keys you can add
them to a .env.local
file. You can find an example of this file called .env.local.example
Now that you've written a great new feature, the next step is to commit those changes, and push them to the GitHub repository. Afterwards, you will make a pull request for us to review and merge.
- update the changes(commits) from a remote repository(master) to the local repository:
$ git pull
- Stage your files:
$ git add .
- Commit your changes.
$ git commit -m 'Fix broken link to CSS tutorial'
Note: Your commit message should concisely describe what you did.
- Push the commit to the GitHub repository.
$ git push origin fix-broken-link # Remember to use the same name as your own branch!
Here, Git will ask you for your username and password. Enter your GitHub username and password here.
Create a pull request. To do so, follow the instructions found here!
With all this done, you may receive some feedback or requests for changes, or it may be merged straight into the live website.