The goal is to provide a simple standalone server exposing Germany's 'GesundheitsID' (eHealthID) as a good old OpenID Connect Relying Party (OIDC RP).
Identity Providers such as Keycloak can link accounts with OIDC out-of-the-box
participant app as Mobile App
participant idp as Your IDP
participant rp as Relying Party
app ->> idp: login
idp -->> app: redirect to Relying Party (OIDC)
app ->> rp: login
note over app, rp: login via eHealthID handled by Relying Party (RP)
rp -->> app: redirect to IDP with code
app ->> idp: success, callback to IDP
idp ->> rp: redeem code
rp -->> idp: id_token
idp -->> app: success! redirect
- ehealthid-rp - A standalone application to act as a OpenID Connect (OIDC) Relying Party. Bridges OIDC and Germany's GesundheitsID OpenID federation.
- ehealthid-cli - A script to generate keys and federation registration forms.
- ehealthid - A plain Java library to build RelyingParties for GesundheitsID.
- API clients
- Models for the EntityStatments, IDP list endpoints etc.
- Narrow support for the 'Fachdienst' use-case.
#---- 1. generate keys
# the URI where your relying-party will run,
# for the registration this _MUST_ be publicly reachable
export ISSUER_URI=
# generate keys for the application, keep those safe and secure
./ keygen
#---- 2. deploy the relying party
docker run --rm \
-v "$(pwd)"/enc_jwks.json:/secrets/enc_jwks.json:ro \
-v "$(pwd)"/sig_jwks.json:/secrets/sig_jwks.json:ro \
-e 'EHEALTHID_RP_FEDERATION_ENC_JWKS_PATH=/secrets/enc_jwks.json' \
-e 'EHEALTHID_RP_FEDERATION_SIG_JWKS_PATH=/secrets/sig_jwks.json' \
#---- 3. register with the federation master
# a string received from Gematik as part of the registration process
# see:
export MEMBER_ID=FDmyDiGa0112TU
# generate the registration XML from an existing entity statement
./ fedreg \
--environment=TU \
--issuer-uri=$ISSUER_URI \
# this prints the XML for registration in the federation, send it
# as an email attachment to Gematik
# see:
- The relying party MUST be registered within the OpenID federation to work fully.
- In order to register for the federation, your entity statment MUST be publicly available.
Once the server is booted, it will:
Expose an OpenID Discovery document at
curl $BASE_URI/.well-known/openid-configuration | jq .
Expose an OpenID Federation entity configuration at
curl $BASE_URI/.well-known/openid-federation | jwt decode -j - | jq .payload
Be ready to handle OpenID Connect flows and handle them via Germany's GesundheitsID federation.
Generic settings:
- the relying party OpenID configuration is at
- token_url:
- auth_url:
- jwks_url:
- token_url:
- the only supported client authentication is
, the public keys will be discovered
As an example with
as the relying party issuer.
Use environment variables to configure the relying party server.
(*) required configuration
Name | Description | Example |
Path to a JWKS with at least one keypair for encryption of ID tokens. | ./enc_jwks.json |
Path to a JWKS with at least one keypair for signature withing the federation. All these keys MUST be registered with the federation master. | ./sig_jwks.json |
Valid redirection URIs for OpenID connect. | |
The external base URI of the relying party. This is also the issuer towards the OpenID federation. Additional paths are unsupported for now. | |
The URI of the discovery document of your identity provider. Used to fetch public keys for client authentication. | |
The URI of the federation master. | |
The application name within the federation. | Awesome DiGA |
Host to bind to. | |
Port to bind to. | 1234 |
The time to live for the entity statement. In ISO8601 format. | PT12H |
The comma separated list of scopes requested in the federation. This MUST match what was registered with the federation master. | openid,urn:telematik:email,urn:telematik:display_name |
The time to live for sessions. In ISO8601 format. | PT20M |
The maximum number of sessions to store. Keeps memory bounded. | 1000 |
The time to live for codes, i.e. successful logins where the code is not redeemed yet. In ISO8601 format. | PT5M |
The maximum number of codes to store. Keeps memory bounded. | 1000 |
The log level. | INFO |
In order to participate in the GesundheitsID one needs to register the entity statement of the IDP or in this case the relying party here.
To simplify matter, here a script to generate fresh keys as well as the XML necessary to register with Gematik.
See Gematik documentation for details on the registration process.
./ --help
NOTE: There are some additional interactions within the federation, for a more complete flow see AppFlow in the Gematik documentation.
participant app as Mobile App
participant idp as Your IDP
participant rp as Relyin Party
participant secIdp as Sectoral IDP
participant fedmaster as Federation Master
app ->> idp: login
idp -->> app: redirect to Relying Party (OIDC)
app ->> rp: login
alt relying party & eHealthID federation
rp ->> fedmaster: fetch list of sectoral IDPs
fedmaster -->> rp: list of sectoral IDPs
rp -->> app: show list of IDPs to select from
app ->> rp: select an IDP
rp ->> secIdp: get redirect url (PAR)
secIdp -->> rp: redirect_uri
rp -->> app: redirect to sectoral authentication (e.g. ident app)
alt proprietary flow
app ->> secIdp: authenticate
secIdp ->> app: success, redirect to relying party
app ->> rp: success, callback to relying party
rp ->> secIdp: fetch id_token
secIdp -->> rp: id_token
rp -->> app: redirect to IDP with code
app ->> idp: success, callback to IDP
idp ->> rp: redeem code
alt client authentication
note right of rp: client authenticated via 'private_key_jwt'
rp ->> idp: fetch OpenID discovery document
idp -->> rp: discovery document
rp ->> idp: fetch JWKS
idp -->> rp: JWKS
note right of rp: verifies client JWT with discovered JWKS
rp -->> idp: id_token
idp -->> app: success! redirect
- for now sessions are stored in-memory, this implies:
- rebooting the server will force users currently logging-in to restart
- if multiple instances run, sessions must be sticky (e.g. use
cookie) - though it would be relatively straight forward to use a database instead
- this is tested in the 'Testumgebung' (TU) against the Gematik IDP due to a lack of other options
In order of priority:
- Internationalization (ResourceBundles) for templates (en & de), see Mustache Library
- Accept base URI's with paths.
- MySQL or Postgres backed session and code repos
- PKCE flow on OIDC side