Simulates OCT images by solving Maxwell's equations through a Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain method
OCT Source
The parameters needed to simulate the OCT source can be found in
. It is recommended that you do not modify the units and the constants. If you wish to modify the OCT source, keep in mind that the bandwidth affects the Nyquist sampling frequency. For OCT, the broader the bandwidth, the more resolution. However, the broader the bandwidth, the harder it is to get the sampling frequency higher than the Nyquist frequency. Refer to the variables nyquist_spacing
and delta_k
to see if delta_k < nyquist_spacing
Properties of the Layered Medium
To modify the physical size of the device, change variables Sy
and Sx
. The variable PML
contains the dimensions --in pixels-- of the Perfectly Matched Layer so that NRES
defines the number of pixels that are used to define the smallest wavelength in the simulation.
The material properties in the layered medium can be modified to determine the maximum possible electric permittivity and where the layers should appear in the device. Note that increasing the maximum electric permittivity will affect the Optical Path Distance in the A-Line.
The code
can be run on SLURM (Longleaf) using the command:
you can change the simulation ID via the variable slurm_offset
. Using SLURM arrays, the id will start on the offset and be added to the SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
environment variable. For more information on using SLURM arrays, you can refer to this article
Note that the purpose of using the SLURM script is to generate thousands of simulations in a quick manner. These thousands of files will be stored in the Longleaf cluster, so it is necessary to move them to your local computer. To move the files from the Longleaf cluster to your computer, you can use
scp -r [email protected]:PATH/TO/DATASET LOCAL/DIRECTORY
Once the files are copied, you can generate an annotation file using the code
. For more information on using Longleaf, please refer to this guide
Once the desired variables have been modified in the dashboard, the layered-medium electric field computation can be started using
You can modify the ID of the simulation and the number of simulations computed in the dashboard
. Running the simulations on CPU will automatically generate an annotations file.
Once the simulations and annotation files are available, use the function split_dataset_layered_medium
to prepare your test and training datasets. For the 1D layered medium example, it suffices to run
To train the Multi-Layer Perceptron. Look at the comments on the code to modify any hyperparameters such as the number of hidden layers/nodes, the optimizer, the learning rate, etc.
If you are training the layer remotely with an ssh
connection, remember to conect with -X
or -Y
to enable X11 forwarding to see the graphics.
Note that the variables for running a 2D simulation with
are also included in the dashboard and can be run in a similar way as the 1D simulation. The slurm script will have to reflect the change in the Python script running.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive imaging technique that utilizes the principle of coherence to generate images along the depth of a tissue. An OCT device consists of a light source that emits a broad spectrum of light in near-infrared wavelengths, an interferometer that splits the light into two beams, a reference arm that reflects one of the beams back to the interferometer, and a sample arm that directs the other beam to the tissue being imaged.
When both fields return from the reference and sample arms respectively, they are halved in power again and interfere at the detector, which generates a photocurrent given by
On the other hand, we can define the power spectral density of the source electric field
From the power spectral density, we can simulate the electric field from the reference arm in the following way
Similarly, the electric field from the sample arm is defined as
In order to construct the A-line scan, it is necessary to take the inverse Fourier transform of
Since the amplitude of the incident field is defined in terms of the wavenumber
Computing the A-Line is a very straightforward approach from the equations presented in this writeup, however, we still need to figure out how to simulate the electric field that comes from the sample arm.
The basic characteristics of light, such as refraction, diffraction, and scattering, are explained by Maxwell's equations, which also describe how light travels through and interacts with materials. The frequency-domain formulation of Maxwell's equations is
After expanding these equations in Cartesian coordinates and reducing them to two dimensions, we can use finite differences to come up with the following equation to solve for the electric field (based on the curl equations in Maxwell's equations):
Note that we can come up with a similar equation to solve for the magnetic field
Thus, we can simulate an electric field by solving for
For more information about the implementation of a Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain solver, please refer to Electromagnetic and Photonic Simluation for the Beginner by Raymond C. Rumpf. In general, this section will only discuss three functions found in
: In order to solve for the field
: During simulation, waves will propagate until they reach the boundary and will bounce off of it, which makes it difficult to distinguish the waves that are reflected from the device versus what is reflected from the boundary. To overcome this limitation, an absorbing boundary known as the Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) can be added to the borders of the simulation space. In order to add this layer, we need to create an electric permittivity
: Solving for
A = DHX @ URyy_i @ DEX + DHY @ URxx_i @ DEY + ERzz
Note that we need a mask matrix
# Calculate source vector
b = (Q @ A - A @ Q) @ fsrc_flat
# Solve for field
f = linalg.spsolve(A, b)
f = np.reshape(f, (Nx, Ny), 'F')
Note: All of the arrays have to be flattened and inserted along the diagonal of a sparse matrix. The returning electric field also needs to be reshaped to be the size of the modeling area (MxN)
Now that we know how to simulate an electric field that passes through a medium, how can we use this to create a signal as it would be received by an OCT device?
It is relevant to now define the difference between the Scattered Field and the Total Field in the simulation. The Total Field is where our device is, and where we can see how the light moves and interacts with the materials in it. On the other hand, the scattered field is the electric field that goes out of the simulation after light has traversed through the material. That is, the scattered field is what a device like OCT would capture. In the following figure, the scattered field is denoted as
However, we are most interested is not the scattered field, but the reflectivity of the scattered field. In order to obtain this measurement, we devide the scattered field by the original source field.
In which case, the electric field from the sample arm of an OCT device becomes
Now that we are able to simulate the source power spectrum, the reference electric field, and the sample electric field, we can easily compute the A-line using the Fourier transform.
Let's say we want to simulate a single A-line from an OCT device with a central wavelength of 800nm and a bandwidth of 50 nm. Its source power spectrum in terms of wavelength would look as follows:
We want to know what is the A-line of a three layered medium, where the layers are distributed between 0 and 45 micrometers. Since we are only interested in a single A-Line, the lateral dimension of the electric permittivity profile is 1 pixel plus 20 pixels on each side to include the PML. The arrow denotes the direction of propagation of the source field.
Now that we have this electric permittivity profile, we can add the perfectly matched layer with addupml2d_sparse
Let's say we have 100 wavenumbers (k) in our power spectrum. For every single wavenumber, we will create derivative matrices using yeeder_2d
. For every single one of these wavenumbers, we will solve for the electric profile after computing our matrix A
. This is the result of one of such simulations:
This image shows a plane wave going up and down along the layered medium. Note that at the top and bottom of the total field, the values of the wave go to zero, which means that our PML is working. Similarly, note that the waves are not disrupted by the left and right boundaries.
After getting all of these fields, we save the reflectivity from the scattered field of our simulations. The following is the visualization of the reflectivity from the sample arm as a function of wavenumber
Since we have the reflected field
Once we have the intensity at the inteferometer, we want to subtract the amplitude of the reflected field to minimize the dominant term in our Inverse Fourier Transform.
After obtaining this intensity, we need to standardize it to apply the IFFT. In order to do this, we add the "negative" frequencies of our simulation (which are all zero), and set our DC term equal to the average amplitude of our frequencies. After applying the IFFT and correcting the order of our array (for more information, read the documentation of numpy.fft.ifft), we obtain the A-Line of a three layered medium
Note that the peaks roughly correspond to where the medium changed its electric permittivity values. The reason why the peaks do not align perfectly is because the Optical Path Distance does not always correspond to the Geometric Distance in a medium. Similarly, the A-line is symmetric due to the properties of IFFT.
Note: the images for this example were exclusively generated for this writeup. The code
saves the unprocessed A-line (including complex values), the intensity of the A-line (as showed in the last image), the Electric Reflectivity of the medium, and the reflectivity of the medium.