This script consists of two parts:
- Discord crawler
- CHAI distribution CSV generator
The first part (
) crawls the UNCHAIN discord server and collects a dataset of chatlogs from specified channels within the specified timeframe.
The second part (
) looks into the collected dataset and counts the number of P2P reactions to UNCHAIN crew's posts, counts the amount of CHAI to give each individual, and generates a CSV file to be used in the Gnosis token multisender app.
runs both in sequence for convenience. It should be ran every week on Sundays.
- CHAI form のアクセスを現在持っていないので配布に必要な discord->wallet アドレスの参照ができていない。同様のフォームを作り直し(カラム名 sensitive)、該当 API キーを更新する必要あり。
- github の secret をトラストするなら、safe の署名に用いる秘密鍵を格納しちゃって airdrop 自体を actions で cron job に投げられるかも(都度実行->safe で csv airdrop ポチポチしなくて良い)