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uncle-betty committed Mar 27, 2022
1 parent f06a3ae commit 8c3c64f
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Showing 2 changed files with 166 additions and 162 deletions.
195 changes: 123 additions & 72 deletions src/Satarash/Parser.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module Satarash.Parser where

open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using () renaming (mod-helper to modʰ ; div-helper to divʰ)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool ; true ; false)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool ; true ; false ; _∧_)
open import Data.Bool.Properties using (∧-identityʳ ; ∧-comm ; ∧-assoc)
open import Data.Char using (Char ; fromℕ ; toℕ) renaming (_≟_ to _≟ᶜ_)
open import Data.List
using (List ; length ; _∷ʳ_) renaming ([] to []ˡ ; _∷_ to _∷ˡ_ ; map to mapˡ ; _++_ to _++ˡ_)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -668,7 +669,8 @@ module _ (bitsᶜ : Data.Nat.ℕ) where
open import Satarash.Verifier bitsᶜ as V using (
Proof ; Step ; del ; ext ;
Clause ; Literal ; pos ; neg ;
Formula ; Trie ; node ; leaf ; Index
Formula ; Trie ; node ; leaf ; Index ;
evalᶜ ; eval

Translator : Set
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -995,107 +997,156 @@ module _ (bitsᶜ : Data.Nat.ℕ) where
p proof ps t
return $ f , p

fromCNF′ : Formula List Clause Maybe Formula
fromCNF′ f []ˡ = just f
fromCNF′ f (k ∷ˡ ks) = V.insert f k >>= flip fromCNF′ ks
eval-∷ : (ℕ Bool) List Clause Bool
eval-∷ v []ˡ = true
eval-∷ v (c ∷ˡ cs) = evalᶜ v c ∧ eval-∷ v cs

from-∷′ : Formula List Clause Maybe Formula
from-∷′ f []ˡ = just f
from-∷′ f (k ∷ˡ ks) = V.insert f k >>= flip from-∷′ ks

from-∷′-✓ : v f₀ f∷ f from-∷′ f₀ f∷ ≡ just f eval v f ≡ eval-∷ v f∷ ∧ eval v f₀
from-∷′-✓ v f₀ []ˡ f refl = refl
from-∷′-✓ v f₀ (k ∷ˡ ks) f p with V.insert f₀ k in eq
from-∷′-✓ v f₀ (k ∷ˡ ks) f p | just f₀′ =
eval v f ≡⟨ from-∷′-✓ v f₀′ ks f p ⟩
eval-∷ v ks ∧ eval v f₀′ ≡⟨ cong (eval-∷ v ks ∧_) (V.insert⇒∧ f₀ f₀′ k eq v) ⟩
eval-∷ v ks ∧ eval v f₀ ∧ evalᶜ v k ≡˘⟨ ∧-assoc (eval-∷ v ks) (eval v f₀) (evalᶜ v k) ⟩
(eval-∷ v ks ∧ eval v f₀) ∧ evalᶜ v k ≡⟨ ∧-comm (eval-∷ v ks ∧ eval v f₀) (evalᶜ v k) ⟩
evalᶜ v k ∧ (eval-∷ v ks ∧ eval v f₀) ≡˘⟨ ∧-assoc (evalᶜ v k) (eval-∷ v ks) (eval v f₀) ⟩
eval-∷ v (k ∷ˡ ks) ∧ eval v f₀ ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning

from-∷ : List Clause Maybe Formula
from-∷ = from-∷′ nothing

fromCNF : List Clause Maybe Formula
fromCNF = fromCNF′ nothing
from-∷-✓ : v f∷ f from-∷ f∷ ≡ just f eval v f ≡ eval-∷ v f∷
from-∷-✓ v f∷ f p =
eval v f ≡⟨ from-∷′-✓ v nothing f∷ f p ⟩
eval-∷ v f∷ ∧ true ≡⟨ ∧-identityʳ (eval-∷ v f∷) ⟩
eval-∷ v f∷ ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning

fromCNF⁺: f ks k fromCNF′ f (ks ∷ʳ k) ≡ (fromCNF′ f ks >>= flip V.insert k)
fromCNF⁺′ f []ˡ k
from-∷ʳ: f ks k from-∷′ f (ks ∷ʳ k) ≡ (from-∷′ f ks >>= flip V.insert k)
from-∷ʳ′ f []ˡ k
with V.insert f k
... | nothing = refl
... | just f′ = refl
fromCNF⁺′ f (k′ ∷ˡ ks′) k
from-∷ʳ′ f (k′ ∷ˡ ks′) k
with V.insert f k′
... | nothing = refl
... | just f′ = fromCNF⁺′ f′ ks′ k
... | just f′ = from-∷ʳ′ f′ ks′ k

fromCNF⁺ : ks k fromCNF (ks ∷ʳ k) ≡ (fromCNF ks >>= flip V.insert k)
fromCNF⁺ = fromCNF⁺′ nothing
from-∷ʳ : ks k from-∷ (ks ∷ʳ k) ≡ (from-∷ ks >>= flip V.insert k)
from-∷ʳ = from-∷ʳ′ nothing

formula′CNF: (cs : List Char) List Clause Translator Measure cs
formula′-∷: (cs : List Char) List Clause Translator Measure cs
Maybe (Formula × Translator)
formula′CNF₁ cs ks n t m = do
formula′-∷₁ cs ks n t m = do
ks′ , t formula′ cs (just ∘₂ _∷ʳ_) ks n t m
f fromCNF ks′
f from-∷ ks′
return (f , t)

formula′CNF: (cs : List Char) List Clause Translator Measure cs
formula′-∷: (cs : List Char) List Clause Translator Measure cs
Maybe (Formula × Translator)
formula′CNF₂ cs ks n t m = do
f fromCNF ks
formula′-∷₂ cs ks n t m = do
f from-∷ ks
formula′ cs V.insert f n t m

formula′CNF: (cs : List Char) Clause List Clause Translator Measure cs
formula′-∷: (cs : List Char) Clause List Clause Translator Measure cs
Maybe (Formula × Translator)
formula′CNF₃ cs k ks n t m = do
f fromCNF ks
formula′-∷₃ cs k ks n t m = do
f from-∷ ks
f′ V.insert f k
formula′ cs V.insert f′ n t m

module _ where
formula′CNF-: cs ks n t m formula′CNF₁ cs ks n t m ≡ formula′CNF₂ cs ks n t m
formula′-∷-: cs ks n t m formula′-∷₁ cs ks n t m ≡ formula′-∷₂ cs ks n t m

lemma : cs′ k ks n t m formula′CNF₁ cs′ (ks ∷ʳ k) n t m ≡ formula′CNF₃ cs′ k ks n t m
lemma : cs′ k ks n t m formula′-∷₁ cs′ (ks ∷ʳ k) n t m ≡ formula′-∷₃ cs′ k ks n t m
lemma cs′ k ks n t m
rewrite formula′CNF-≡ cs′ (ks ∷ʳ k) n t m
rewrite fromCNF⁺ ks k
= >>=-assoc (fromCNF ks) (flip V.insert k) (λ f formula′ cs′ (V.insert′ bitsᶜ) f n t m)
rewrite formula′-∷-≡ cs′ (ks ∷ʳ k) n t m
rewrite from-∷ʳ ks k
= >>=-assoc (from-∷ ks) (flip V.insert k) (λ f formula′ cs′ (V.insert′ bitsᶜ) f n t m)

-- XXX - fix duplication
formula′CNF-≡ []ˡ ks n t m = refl
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) with token c
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isSpace with with-≡ (klause (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs))
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isSpace | nothing = sym (>>=-nothing (fromCNF ks))
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isSpace | just ((k , cs′) , p) = lemma cs′ k ks (suc n) (insertᵐ (suc n) n t) _
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isNewLine with with-≡ (klause (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs))
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isNewLine | nothing = sym (>>=-nothing (fromCNF ks))
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isNewLine | just ((k , cs′) , p) = lemma cs′ k ks (suc n) (insertᵐ (suc n) n t) _
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isDigit n′ with with-≡ (klause (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs))
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isDigit n′ | nothing = sym (>>=-nothing (fromCNF ks))
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isDigit n′ | just ((k , cs′) , p) = lemma cs′ k ks (suc n) (insertᵐ (suc n) n t) _
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isMinus with with-≡ (klause (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs))
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isMinus | nothing = sym (>>=-nothing (fromCNF ks))
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isMinus | just ((k , cs′) , p) = lemma cs′ k ks (suc n) (insertᵐ (suc n) n t) _
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isC = formula′CNF-≡ (line cs) ks n t _
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isOther with with-≡ (klause (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs))
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isOther | nothing = sym (>>=-nothing (fromCNF ks))
formula′CNF-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isOther | just ((k , cs′) , p) = lemma cs′ k ks (suc n) (insertᵐ (suc n) n t) _

formulaCNF : (cs : List Char) Measure cs Maybe (Formula × Translator)
formulaCNF cs m = do
formula′-∷-≡ []ˡ ks n t m = refl
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) with token c
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isSpace with with-≡ (klause (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs))
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isSpace | nothing = sym (>>=-nothing (from-∷ ks))
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isSpace | just ((k , cs′) , p) = lemma cs′ k ks (suc n) (insertᵐ (suc n) n t) _
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isNewLine with with-≡ (klause (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs))
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isNewLine | nothing = sym (>>=-nothing (from-∷ ks))
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isNewLine | just ((k , cs′) , p) = lemma cs′ k ks (suc n) (insertᵐ (suc n) n t) _
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isDigit n′ with with-≡ (klause (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs))
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isDigit n′ | nothing = sym (>>=-nothing (from-∷ ks))
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isDigit n′ | just ((k , cs′) , p) = lemma cs′ k ks (suc n) (insertᵐ (suc n) n t) _
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isMinus with with-≡ (klause (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs))
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isMinus | nothing = sym (>>=-nothing (from-∷ ks))
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isMinus | just ((k , cs′) , p) = lemma cs′ k ks (suc n) (insertᵐ (suc n) n t) _
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isC = formula′-∷-≡ (line cs) ks n t _
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isOther with with-≡ (klause (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs))
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isOther | nothing = sym (>>=-nothing (from-∷ ks))
formula′-∷-≡ (c ∷ˡ cs) ks n t (acc rs) | isOther | just ((k , cs′) , p) = lemma cs′ k ks (suc n) (insertᵐ (suc n) n t) _

formula-∷ : (cs : List Char) Measure cs Maybe (Formula × Translator)
formula-∷ cs m = do
ks , t formula cs (just ∘₂ _∷ʳ_) []ˡ m
f fromCNF ks
f from-∷ ks
return (f , t)

-- XXX - fix duplication
formulaCNF-✓₁ : cs m formulaCNF cs m ≡ formula cs V.insert nothing m
formulaCNF-✓₁ []ˡ m = refl
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) with token c
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isSpace with with-≡ (intro (c ∷ˡ cs))
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isSpace | nothing = refl
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isSpace | just (cs′ , p) = formula′CNF-≡ cs′ []ˡ zero emptyᵐ _
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isNewLine with with-≡ (intro (c ∷ˡ cs))
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isNewLine | nothing = refl
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isNewLine | just (cs′ , p) = formula′CNF-≡ cs′ []ˡ zero emptyᵐ _
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isDigit n with with-≡ (intro (c ∷ˡ cs))
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isDigit n | nothing = refl
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isDigit n | just (cs′ , p) = formula′CNF-≡ cs′ []ˡ zero emptyᵐ _
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isMinus with with-≡ (intro (c ∷ˡ cs))
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isMinus | nothing = refl
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isMinus | just (cs′ , p) = formula′CNF-≡ cs′ []ˡ zero emptyᵐ _
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isC = formulaCNF-✓₁ (line cs) _
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isOther with with-≡ (intro (c ∷ˡ cs))
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isOther | nothing = refl
formulaCNF-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isOther | just (cs′ , p) = formula′CNF-≡ cs′ []ˡ zero emptyᵐ _

formulaCNF-✓₂ : nᵛ nᶜ ks m mapᵐ proj₁ (formulaCNF (printFormula nᵛ nᶜ ks) m) ≡ fromCNF ks
formulaCNF-✓₂ nᵛ nᶜ ks m
formula-∷-✓₁ : cs m formula-∷ cs m ≡ formula cs V.insert nothing m
formula-∷-✓₁ []ˡ m = refl
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) with token c
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isSpace with with-≡ (intro (c ∷ˡ cs))
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isSpace | nothing = refl
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isSpace | just (cs′ , p) = formula′-∷-≡ cs′ []ˡ zero emptyᵐ _
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isNewLine with with-≡ (intro (c ∷ˡ cs))
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isNewLine | nothing = refl
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isNewLine | just (cs′ , p) = formula′-∷-≡ cs′ []ˡ zero emptyᵐ _
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isDigit n with with-≡ (intro (c ∷ˡ cs))
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isDigit n | nothing = refl
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isDigit n | just (cs′ , p) = formula′-∷-≡ cs′ []ˡ zero emptyᵐ _
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isMinus with with-≡ (intro (c ∷ˡ cs))
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isMinus | nothing = refl
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isMinus | just (cs′ , p) = formula′-∷-≡ cs′ []ˡ zero emptyᵐ _
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isC = formula-∷-✓₁ (line cs) _
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isOther with with-≡ (intro (c ∷ˡ cs))
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isOther | nothing = refl
formula-∷-✓₁ (c ∷ˡ cs) (acc rs) | isOther | just (cs′ , p) = formula′-∷-≡ cs′ []ˡ zero emptyᵐ _

formula-∷-✓₂ : nᵛ nᶜ ks m mapᵐ proj₁ (formula-∷ (printFormula nᵛ nᶜ ks) m) ≡ from-∷ ks
formula-∷-✓₂ nᵛ nᶜ ks m
rewrite proj₂ (printFormula-✓ nᵛ nᶜ ks m)
with fromCNF ks
with from-∷ ks
... | nothing = refl
... | just f = refl

module _ (nᵛ nᶜ : ℕ) (f∷ : List Clause) where
cs = printFormula nᵛ nᶜ f∷
f = mapᵐ proj₁ (formula cs V.insert nothing (measure cs))

f∷⇒f : f ≡ from-∷ f∷
f∷⇒f =
f ≡⟨⟩
mapᵐ proj₁ (formula cs V.insert nothing (measure cs)) ≡⟨ cong (mapᵐ proj₁) (sym (formula-∷-✓₁ cs (measure cs))) ⟩
mapᵐ proj₁ (formula-∷ cs (measure cs)) ≡⟨ formula-∷-✓₂ nᵛ nᶜ f∷ (measure cs) ⟩
from-∷ f∷ ∎
open ≡-Reasoning

printParse-✓ : ps f′ p parse cs ps ≡ just (f′ , p) from-∷ f∷ ≡ just f′
printParse-✓ ps f′ p eq
with lem f∷⇒f
with formula cs V.insert nothing (measure cs)
... | just (f″ , t)
with proof ps t
... | just p′
with eq
... | refl = sym lem

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