This is two things:
A clone of an Android game called Scrambled Net, which is not updated anymore and doesn't scale well to my screen size.
An experiment in writing JavaScript in a way that is not surprising. There's a tiny custom class system, with the very least magic possible, all state is explicitly captured and passed, there's a public API on objects, etc.
JavaScript has continuations, yet doesn't let you use them without function*
and yield
. This package implements Go style things in JavaScript. Maybe now I can write async code with normal looking flow, and none of that callback or callback-but-called-promises stuff.
- Simplified classes, with explicit state.
- Channels
const Thing = make_class('thing', {
internal_thing (args) {
operation1 (state, arg1) {
start (state, chan0) {
let chan1 =
run_proc(function* (ctx) {
while (true) {
let [chan, msg] = yield [chan0, chan1]
switchy(chan, {
[chan0]: () => foo,
[chan1]: () => bar,
yield this.sub()
sub () {
return function* () {
// blah
}, {
start: {},
val: { get: 'val' },
operation1: {},
op: { async: 'ch' },
function new_thing (arg) {
let state = {
val: arg,
ch: make_chan(),
let t = new_thing(1)
let ch = make_chan()