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WKocur edited this page Jan 25, 2021 · 8 revisions


See miro board for diagram

Functionality is spread across several mixins as seen below.

Responsible for (raw component):

  • Initiating the Mapbox gl map
  • Watching selectedBaselayer in store and switching style when required
  • Watching visibleLayers and adding layers or updating layer visibility on map

Components: VMapBaselayerControls


options: {
  type: Object,
  default: EMPTY_OPTIONS // const imported from `default-options.js`

See default-options.js for details on configuration. Some of these align with Mapbox documentation


Responsible for (raw component):

  • Adding raster and geojson layers and setting mapbox style options for these layers


Responsible for (raw component):

  • Zooming to a given bounding box or country iso

If boundsUrl is defined in the options passed to VMap then the map will be initialised with this bounding box. It will make a request to a given ArcGIS Feature or Map Server for the extent and then zoom based on the result returned.

In Protected Planet, after zooming to a popup should be added - this means this mixin requires MixinPaPopup to work


Responsible for:

  • Adding Mapbox controls (e.g. zoom, and attribution)


Responsible for:

  • Finding the layer in the base style above which data layers should be added (firstForegroundLayer)
  • Defining a method that enables functions to be carried out after the map style is loaded

MixinPaPopup (Protected Planet specific)

Responsible for:

  • Adding popups and using PointQuery from request-helpers.js to query ArcGIS server for popup data


Responsible for:

  • Toggling the map style (baselayer).


baselayers: { //passed in from VMap, see default options for example
  type: Array,
  required: true

Map Store

Responsible for:

  • Maintaining the current state of visible layers (and the baselayer) on the map
    visibleOverlays: [],
    visibleLayers: [],
    selectedBaselayer: {}

Note an overlay can contain multiple layers, but will relate to one toggle in the filters. This is used, for example, when a dataset contains points and polygons that must be styled different, so are added to the map as separate layers under one overlay.

VMap does not know which layers are shown, it simply looks at the store and makes sure it adds or removes layers to match whenever the store changes


This is a pane that can be collapsed. It lists the data shown on the map.

Responsible for:

  • Hosting filters that control which layers are shown
  • Showing map disclaimer via slot and any extra guidance

Components: VMapFilter, VMapHeader

Slots: top, bottom - used for headers and footers (e.g. the disclaimer)


    overlays: { //datasets shown on the map
      type: Array,
      required: true
    title: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    isHidden: { //as the filters are nested in this and they initialise the shown layers, this component cannot be removed, only hidden
      type: Boolean,
      default: false


Responsible for:

  • Showing legend for data layers on the map
  • Toggling the layers on the map

Components: VMapToggler


    color: {
      type: String,
      default: '#cccccc'
    title: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    isShownByDefault: {//is it initially shown
      type: Boolean,
      default: true
    isToggleable: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: true
    layers: { // can have mulitple layers in one filter/overlay
      type: Array,
      required: true
    id: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    type: { // maybe this can go - not sure if it's actually used!
      type: String,
      required: true


Responsible for:

  • Showing filters header info
  • Emitting the toggle event that collapses the filter pane


    title: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    closeable: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
    filtersShown: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: true


Reponsible for:

  • Showing the disclaimer


    disclaimer: {
      type: Object,
      required: true,
      validator: type => (
        type.hasOwnProperty('heading') &&
        typeof type.heading === 'string' &&
        type.hasOwnProperty('body') &&
        typeof type.heading === 'string'


This is a toggle input type. Can bind using v-model="active"

Responsible for:

  • Offering user toggle interaction


    active: {
      type: Boolean,
      required: true
    gaId: {
      type: String
    onText: {
      type: String,
      default: 'ON',
    offText: {
      type: String,
      default: 'OFF'

VMapPaSearch (Protected Planet Specific)



Has default map options along with examples.

RequestHelpers (Protected Planet specific)

Responsible for:

  • Querying ArcGIS to find information from point query (defines PointQuery class). PointQuery can be give a list of services to try and query the point on, if you are showing more than one MapServer data on your map.

This is specific to Protected Planet, but could be adapted to future maps