A Node.js package for converting quotes between original biblical languages (Greek/Hebrew) and Gateway Languages in TSV files.
Interactive Documentation on Netlify
npm install tsv-quote-converters
- Convert original language quotes to Gateway Language quotes (
) - Convert Gateway Language quotes back to original language quotes (
) - Handles complex quote alignments and multiple occurrences
- Supports multiple target Gateway Language Bibles
- Maintains TSV format integrity
Convert original language quotes to Gateway Language quotes by adding new columns:
import { addGLQuoteCols } from 'tsv-quote-converters';
const params = {
// Required parameters
bibleLinks: ['unfoldingWord/en_ult/master'], // Array of Bible repos to use
bookCode: 'eph', // Bible book code (e.g., 'eph', 'gen')
tsvContent: yourTsvString, // TSV content with 'Quote' column
// Optional parameters
trySeparatorsAndOccurrences: true, // Try different quote separators
const result = await addGLQuoteCols(params);
console.log(result.output); // Modified TSV with new GLQuote/GLOccurrence columns
console.log(result.errors); // Array of any errors encountered
Convert Gateway Language quotes in the Quote column back to original language:
import { convertGLQuotes2OLQuotes } from 'tsv-quote-converters';
const params = {
// Required parameters
bibleLinks: ['unfoldingWord/en_ult/master'], // Bible used for current quotes
bookCode: 'eph', // Bible book code
tsvContent: yourTsvString, // TSV content with GL quotes
// Optional parameters
trySeparatorsAndOccurrences: true, // Try different quote separators
const result = await convertGLQuotes2OLQuotes(params);
console.log(result.output); // Modified TSV with original language quotes
console.log(result.errors); // Array of any errors encountered
Your input TSV must include these columns:
- Chapter:verse referenceQuote
- The quote to convertOccurrence
- Occurrence number of the quote
Example input:
Reference ID Tags SupportReference Quote Occurrence Note
1:1 abc1 Παῦλος 1 Note text here
Adds two columns per target Bible:
- The converted Gateway Language quoteGLOccurrence
- The occurrence number in the Gateway Language
Updates existing columns:
- Replaced with original language quoteOccurrence
- Updated to match original language occurrence
Both functions return an object with:
- The modified TSV content (string)errors
- Array of error messages for any failed conversions
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