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Feature sequential sampling models #139

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base: fix#124
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@Zooaal Zooaal commented Feb 19, 2025

New Features:

  • New Component "Drift_Component" which is used for simulating evidence accumulation process with different Models.
  • 3 Models for the usage in "Drift_Component": LBA, DDM and Kelly Model.
  • Functions to simulate the models traces and response times.
  • New Onset "SequenceOnset" which can be used with SequenceDesign to define a Onset for each Component in a Sequence.
  • New Onset "DriftOnset" special onset for the Drift_Component.
  • simulate_interonset_distances Functions for the "DriftOnset" used to return the response times of the models used.
  • simulate_onsets Function for the "SequenceOnset" specifies how the onsets for the sequences are calculated defined by the Onset for each Component. Important here: Onsets are defined for the next Component. For Example "SCR"=> S->C, C->R and R->S
  • New File "sequentialSamplingModelSimulation.jl": Defines the Kelly Model and its simulation. Furthermore the simulation of the LBA and DDM are designed. In the Future more Models can be defined here.

Important Changes:

  • Added using of SepuentialSamplingModels Package

On Top I added unittests and docstrings for all new features

For better usability I have created two HowTo in the documentation:

  • One explains how to simulate an entire evidence accumulation process as a basis.
  • Another one explains how to use the KellyModel, how to define parameters in the design and how to simulate an overlap of components.

@Zooaal Zooaal requested review from behinger and jschepers February 19, 2025 15:25
@behinger behinger changed the base branch from main to exponential-noise February 21, 2025 11:05
@behinger behinger marked this pull request as ready for review February 21, 2025 11:05
@behinger behinger changed the base branch from exponential-noise to fix#124 February 21, 2025 11:06
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This is an intermediate review, I'm running out of time, but I didnt check everything yet

Wording DocString

Co-authored-by: Benedikt Ehinger <[email protected]>
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drift_rate::Union{Real, String} # drift rate
event_onset::Union{Real, String} # onset(sensory evidence)
sensor_encoding_delay::Union{Real, String} # var(sensory encoding delay)
accumulative_level_noise::Union{Real, String} # accum level noise
boundary::Union{Real, String} # boundaryary height
motor_onset::Union{Real, String} # onset(motor)
motor_delay::Union{Real, String} # var(motor)
post_accumulation_duration_mean::Union{Real, String} # mean(post decision)
post_accumulation_duration_variability::Union{Real, String} # var(post decision)
CPPrampdownDur::Union{Real, String} # CPPrampdown duration

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return new(drift_rate, event_onset, sensor_encoding_delay, accumulative_level_noise, boundary, motor_onset,
motor_delay, post_accumulation_duration_mean, post_accumulation_duration_variability,

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return Dict(
name => getfield(model, name) for name in fieldnames(typeof(model))

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evidence = zeros(length(time_vec));
evidence[time_vec .>= (model.event_onset+(rand(rng) -.5)*model.sensor_encoding_delay)] .= 1;
startAccT = time_vec[findfirst(evidence .== 1)];
noise = vcat(zeros(
sum(time_vec .< startAccT)),
randn(rng,sum(time_vec .>= startAccT)) .* model.accumulative_level_noise .*sqrt(Δt));
ev[time_vec .< startAccT] .= 0; # set to zero all of the evidence before accT
cum_evidence = cumsum(ev .* model.drift_rate .* Δt .+ noise,dims=1); # This is the cumulative differential evidence, just as in a 1d DDM.

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cum_evidence = abs.(cum_evidence);
dti = findfirst(cum_evidence .> model.boundary); # finding the sample point of threshold crossing of each, then will pick the earlier as the winner

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rt = time_vec[dti] + model.motor_onset + (rand(rng)-.5) * model.motor_delay;

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post_acc_duration = model.post_accumulation_duration_mean .+ model.post_accumulation_duration_variability .* rand(rng);

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acc_stop_index = dti + (post_acc_duration÷Δt)|>Int;

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cum_evidence = abs.(cum_evidence);
if acc_stop_index<length(time_vec)

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tmp = cum_evidence[acc_stop_index] .- (1:(nT-acc_stop_index)) .*cum_evidence[acc_stop_index] .* (Δt ./ model.CPPrampdownDur)
cum_evidence[(acc_stop_index+1):end] .= max.(Ref(0), tmp);

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return rt/Δt, cum_evidence[1:end]

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function trace_sequential_sampling_model(rng, component::Drift_Component, design::AbstractDesign)

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model = component.model_type(; (key => parameters[key] for key in keys(parameters))...)

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rt = (time_steps[end] + model.τ)/Δt

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rt = (time_vec[end] + model.τ)/Δt

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rt = (time_steps[end] + model.τ)/Δt

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# Test UnfoldSim.simulate_component(rng, c::Drift_Component, design::AbstractDesign)
boundary = 1.0
model_parameter = UnfoldSim.create_kelly_parameters_dict(UnfoldSim.KellyModel(boundary=boundary));
c = Drift_Component(simulate_component, 0:1/500:1.0, 1/500, KellyModel, model_parameter);
design_single = UnfoldSim.SingleSubjectDesign(conditions = Dict(:condition => [1]));
design_seq = UnfoldSim.SequenceDesign(design_single,"SCR_");
result_traces = UnfoldSim.simulate_component(StableRNG(1),c,design_seq)
@test size(result_traces) == (501, 3)
@test any(result_traces .== 0)
@test any(result_traces .>= boundary)

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# Test UnfoldSim.simulate_component(rng, c::Drift_Component, design::AbstractDesign)
boundary = 1.0
model_parameter = UnfoldSim.create_kelly_parameters_dict(UnfoldSim.KellyModel(boundary=boundary));
c = Drift_Component(simulate_component, 0:1/500:1.0, 1/500, KellyModel, model_parameter);
design_single = UnfoldSim.SingleSubjectDesign(conditions = Dict(:drift_rate => [0.5, 0.8], :condition => [1]));
design_seq = UnfoldSim.SequenceDesign(design_single,"SCR_");
result_traces = UnfoldSim.simulate_component(StableRNG(1),c,design_seq)

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@test size(result_traces) == (501, 6)
@test any(result_traces .== 0)
@test any(result_traces .>= boundary)

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# Test calculate_response_times_for_ssm(rng, component::Drift_Component, design::AbstractDesign)
model_parameter = UnfoldSim.create_kelly_parameters_dict(UnfoldSim.KellyModel());
c = Drift_Component(simulate_component, 0:1/500:1.0, 1/500, KellyModel, model_parameter);
design_single = UnfoldSim.SingleSubjectDesign(conditions = Dict(:drift_rate => [0.5, 0.8], :condition => [1]));
design_seq = UnfoldSim.SequenceDesign(design_single,"SCR_");
sub_design = UnfoldSim.SubselectDesign(design_seq, 'C')
result_rts = UnfoldSim.calculate_response_times_for_ssm(StableRNG(1),c,sub_design)
@test size(result_rts) == (2,)
@test isapprox(result_rts, [399.6903067274333, 388.89617910657597], atol=1e-8)

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# Test get_model_parameter(rng, evt, d::Dict)
rng = StableRNG(1)
model_parameter = UnfoldSim.create_kelly_parameters_dict(UnfoldSim.KellyModel(drift_rate="drift_rate"));
c = Drift_Component(simulate_component, 0:1/500:1.0, 1/500, KellyModel, model_parameter);
drift_rates = [0.5, 0.8]
design_single = UnfoldSim.SingleSubjectDesign(conditions = Dict(:drift_rate => drift_rates, :condition => [1]));
events = UnfoldSim.generate_events(rng, design_single)
for (i, evt) in enumerate(eachrow(events))

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Lines 123 to 127 in a0f9253

model_parameter = UnfoldSim.create_kelly_parameters_dict(UnfoldSim.KellyModel(drift_rate="drift_rate"));
c = UnfoldSim.Drift_Component(simulate_component, 0:1/500:1.0, 1/500, KellyModel, model_parameter);

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Lines 129 to 130 in a0f9253

design_single = UnfoldSim.SingleSubjectDesign(conditions = Dict(:drift_rate => [0.5, 0.8], :condition => [1]));
design_seq = UnfoldSim.SequenceDesign(design_single,"SCR_");

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simulation = UnfoldSim.Simulation(design_rep, components, sequence_onset, UnfoldSim.NoNoise())

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Lines 143 to 146 in a0f9253

'C'=>(DriftOnset(), UniformOnset(width=0, offset=140)),
simulation = UnfoldSim.Simulation(design_rep, components, sequence_onset, UnfoldSim.NoNoise())

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time_vec = 0:Δt:tEnd; # time base

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km = KellyModel(event_onset=assert_event_onset, drift_rate=assert_drift_rate);

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result_rt, result_trace = UnfoldSim.KellyModel_simulate_cpp(rng, KellyModel(boundary=boundary), time_vec, Δt)

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@test isapprox(result_rt, 399.6903067274333, atol=1e-8)

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result_sim_rt, result_sim_trace = UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(rng, KellyModel(), Δt, time_vec)

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model_parameter = UnfoldSim.create_kelly_parameters_dict(KellyModel(boundary=boundary));
c = UnfoldSim.Drift_Component(simulate_component, time_vec, Δt, KellyModel, model_parameter);
design_single = UnfoldSim.SingleSubjectDesign(conditions = Dict(:drift_rate => [0.5, 0.8], :condition => [1]));
design_seq = UnfoldSim.SequenceDesign(design_single,"SCR_");

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result_rts, result_traces = UnfoldSim.trace_sequential_sampling_model(rng, c, design_seq)

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result_rt, result_trace = UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(deepcopy(rng), KellyModel(), Δt, time_vec)

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@test isapprox(result_rt, 399.6903067274333, atol=1e-8)

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@test isapprox(result_rt, 223.00000000000003, atol=1e-8)

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@test isapprox(result_rt, 397.0, atol=1e-8)

Co-authored-by: Benedikt Ehinger <[email protected]>
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time_vec = 0:Δt:tEnd; # time base

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km = KellyModel(event_onset=assert_event_onset, drift_rate=assert_drift_rate);

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result_rt, result_trace = UnfoldSim.KellyModel_simulate_cpp(rng, KellyModel(boundary=boundary), time_vec, Δt)

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@test isapprox(result_rt, 399.6903067274333, atol=1e-8)

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result_sim_rt, result_sim_trace = UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(rng, KellyModel(), Δt, time_vec)

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model_parameter = UnfoldSim.create_kelly_parameters_dict(KellyModel(boundary=boundary));
c = UnfoldSim.Drift_Component(simulate_component, time_vec, Δt, KellyModel, model_parameter);
design_single = UnfoldSim.SingleSubjectDesign(conditions = Dict(:drift_rate => [0.5, 0.8], :condition => [1]));
design_seq = UnfoldSim.SequenceDesign(design_single,"SCR_");

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result_rts, result_traces = UnfoldSim.trace_sequential_sampling_model(rng, c, design_seq)

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result_rt, result_trace = UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(deepcopy(rng), KellyModel(), Δt, time_vec)

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@test isapprox(result_rt, 399.6903067274333, atol=1e-8)

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@test isapprox(result_rt, 223.00000000000003, atol=1e-8)

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@test isapprox(result_rt, 397.0, atol=1e-8)

Zooaal and others added 2 commits February 25, 2025 11:06

Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]>

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results = coeftable(m)
plot_erp(results; mapping = (; color = :eventname))
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Suggested change
plot_erp(results; mapping = (; color = :eventname))
plot_erp(results; mapping = (; color = :eventname))

results = coeftable(m)
plot_erp(results; mapping = (; color = :eventname))
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Suggested change
plot_erp(results; mapping = (; color = :eventname))
plot_erp(results; mapping = (; color = :eventname))

function SSM_Simulate(rng, model::KellyModel, sfreq, max_length)
Δt = 1/sfreq
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Suggested change
Δt = 1/sfreq
Δt = 1 / sfreq

evidence = evidence[1:max_length]
return rt, evidence
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Suggested change

Comment on lines +49 to +59
# Test UnfoldSim.simulate_component(rng, c::DriftComponent, design::AbstractDesign)
boundary = 1.0
model_parameter = Dict(:boundary => boundary);
c = DriftComponent(500, 500, KellyModel, model_parameter);
design_single = UnfoldSim.SingleSubjectDesign(conditions = Dict(:condition => [1]));
design_seq = UnfoldSim.SequenceDesign(design_single,"SCR_");
result_traces = UnfoldSim.simulate_component(StableRNG(1),c,design_seq)

@test size(result_traces) == (501, 3)
@test any(result_traces .== 0)
@test any(result_traces .>= boundary)
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Suggested change
# Test UnfoldSim.simulate_component(rng, c::DriftComponent, design::AbstractDesign)
boundary = 1.0
model_parameter = Dict(:boundary => boundary);
c = DriftComponent(500, 500, KellyModel, model_parameter);
design_single = UnfoldSim.SingleSubjectDesign(conditions = Dict(:condition => [1]));
design_seq = UnfoldSim.SequenceDesign(design_single,"SCR_");
result_traces = UnfoldSim.simulate_component(StableRNG(1),c,design_seq)
@test size(result_traces) == (501, 3)
@test any(result_traces .== 0)
@test any(result_traces .>= boundary)
# Test UnfoldSim.simulate_component(rng, c::DriftComponent, design::AbstractDesign)
boundary = 1.0
model_parameter = Dict(:boundary => boundary)
c = DriftComponent(500, 500, KellyModel, model_parameter)
design_single = UnfoldSim.SingleSubjectDesign(conditions = Dict(:condition => [1]))
design_seq = UnfoldSim.SequenceDesign(design_single, "SCR_")
result_traces = UnfoldSim.simulate_component(StableRNG(1), c, design_seq)

Comment on lines +38 to +44
model_parameter = Dict(:boundary => boundary);
c = UnfoldSim.DriftComponent(
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Suggested change
model_parameter = Dict(:boundary => boundary);
c = UnfoldSim.DriftComponent(
model_parameter = Dict(:boundary => boundary)
c = UnfoldSim.DriftComponent(max_length, fs, KellyModel, model_parameter)

design_seq = UnfoldSim.SequenceDesign(design_single, "SCR_")

result_rts, result_traces = UnfoldSim.trace_sequential_sampling_model(rng, c, design_seq)
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Suggested change
result_rts, result_traces = UnfoldSim.trace_sequential_sampling_model(rng, c, design_seq)
result_rts, result_traces =
UnfoldSim.trace_sequential_sampling_model(rng, c, design_seq)


@testset "SSM_Simulate" begin
result_rt, result_trace = UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(deepcopy(rng), KellyModel(), fs, max_length)
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Suggested change
result_rt, result_trace = UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(deepcopy(rng), KellyModel(), fs, max_length)
result_rt, result_trace =
UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(deepcopy(rng), KellyModel(), fs, max_length)

@test any(result_trace .== 0)
@test any(result_trace .>= boundary)

result_rt, result_trace = UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(deepcopy(rng), DDM(), fs, max_length)
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Suggested change
result_rt, result_trace = UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(deepcopy(rng), DDM(), fs, max_length)
result_rt, result_trace =
UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(deepcopy(rng), DDM(), fs, max_length)

@test isapprox(result_rt, 223.00000000000003, atol = 1e-8)
@test any(result_trace .== 0)

result_rt, result_trace = UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(deepcopy(rng), LBA(), fs, max_length)
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Suggested change
result_rt, result_trace = UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(deepcopy(rng), LBA(), fs, max_length)
result_rt, result_trace =
UnfoldSim.SSM_Simulate(deepcopy(rng), LBA(), fs, max_length)

Comment on lines +53 to +55
return new(drift_rate, event_onset, sensor_encoding_delay, accumulative_level_noise, boundary, motor_onset,
motor_delay, post_accumulation_duration, post_accumulation_duration_variability,
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[JuliaFormatter] reported by reviewdog 🐶

Suggested change
return new(drift_rate, event_onset, sensor_encoding_delay, accumulative_level_noise, boundary, motor_onset,
motor_delay, post_accumulation_duration, post_accumulation_duration_variability,
return new(

rt = time_vec[dti] + model.motor_onset + (rand(rng) - 0.5) * model.motor_delay

# now make the CPP peak and go down linearly after a certain amount of post-dec accum time for this trial:
post_acc_duration = model.post_accumulation_duration .+ model.post_accumulation_duration_variability .* rand(rng);
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Suggested change
post_acc_duration = model.post_accumulation_duration .+ model.post_accumulation_duration_variability .* rand(rng);
post_acc_duration =
model.post_accumulation_duration .+
model.post_accumulation_duration_variability .* rand(rng)

Comment on lines +140 to +141
tmp = cum_evidence[acc_stop_index] .- (1:(nT-acc_stop_index)) .*cum_evidence[acc_stop_index] .* (Δt ./ model.ramp_down_duration)
cum_evidence[(acc_stop_index+1):end] .= max.(Ref(0), tmp);
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Suggested change
tmp = cum_evidence[acc_stop_index] .- (1:(nT-acc_stop_index)) .*cum_evidence[acc_stop_index] .* (Δt ./ model.ramp_down_duration)
cum_evidence[(acc_stop_index+1):end] .= max.(Ref(0), tmp);
tmp =
cum_evidence[acc_stop_index] .-
(1:(nT-acc_stop_index)) .* cum_evidence[acc_stop_index] .*
(Δt ./ model.ramp_down_duration)
cum_evidence[(acc_stop_index+1):end] .= max.(Ref(0), tmp)

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