These are my personal dotfiles with the majority of the configuration around Vim. Feel free to base your own dotfiles on these, in fact, I encourage it. Using these settings blindly probably isn't a good idea though, it's set up exactly how I want things, not how you want them.
If you do wish to try any of this out though, all you have to do is source or symlink the config file from each directory. This varies depending on the tool. JSHint requires a symlink, but you can source with bash or Vim, for example.
Please hit me on twitter or some other medium, such as signal fires, if you have a question. I hope you find this useful!
All of these instructions assume the repository has been cloned into your home directory under the name dotfiles
Add this to ~/.bashrc
source ~/dotfiles/bash/
ln -s ~/dotfiles/ctags/config ~/.ctags
Add this to ~/.gitconfig
path = ~/dotfiles/git/config
ln -s ~/dotfiles/jshint/config.json ~/.jshintrc
Add this to ~/.tmux.conf
source-file $HOME/dotfiles/tmux/config.conf
You can add ignore rules to ~/dotfiles/git/ignore
Add this to ~/.vimrc
source $HOME/.vim/config.vim
Need to install Vundle and do:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
vim +BundleInstall
Then compile YouCompleteMe.
cd .vim
In .vim/bundle/tern_for_vim run:
npm config set registry
npm install