, process name, custom api, fixes and restructuring
Pre-releaseThis is a prerelease, which has been reported to have some issues, so for now I encourage you to use the previous stable release unless you really need the changes introduced in this one.
This release adds support as well as the option to search for process names instead of window titles.
Spotify also now has the option to use your own api keys to prevent timeouts that happen due to rate limits.
Other than that there's some small fixes and interface restructuring.
Also there's now an installer for all three platforms, although I have to emphasize, that I have decided to
not offer any support for macOS anymore, there's still builds for it but any issues that arise are highly
likely to be not addressed, at least not by me.
Some other changes include:
- Fixed mislabeled %b and %e
- Added time remaining format option
- Fixed songs with non ASCII characters not showing a cover when using the VLC source
- Fixed a crash when songs contained characters in tag fields where a number was expected
- Added MPD support on windows
- Removed libmpdclient and taglib dependencies, they're now statically linked into the plugin
- Definitely fixed the issue where the music dock wouldn't save its visiblity
- Added Russian and Spanish translation thanks to @COOLIGUAY and @dEN5-tech