This Python script is a web scraping tool that allows you to extract email addresses from a specified webpage. It can be useful for various purposes, such as building email lists or conducting research. Please use this tool responsibly and ensure you have the necessary permissions to scrape the target website.
To run this script, you'll need:
- Python 3.10.7
The following Python libraries:
- requests
- BeautifulSoup
- lxml
You can install the required libraries using pip:
pip install requests
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install lxml
Clone this repository to your local machine or download the script directly.
Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the script's directory.
Run the script using Python:
You'll be prompted to enter the target URL you want to scan for email addresses. Provide the URL and press Enter.
The script will start scanning the webpage, and any discovered email addresses will be displayed in the terminal.
This script has a default limit of processing 100 URLs to ensure safety and prevent excessive web requests. You can adjust this limit based on your requirements.
Web scraping may not always be accurate, and false positives or missed email addresses are possible.
This script is intended for educational and research purposes. Use it responsibly and ensure you have the necessary permissions to scrape websites.