We will be using the Jupyter Notebook environment for this workshop. We recommend you install Jupyter notebook and the current version of python 3 (3.8 in February 2021) through the Anaconda Individual Edition download and installation as it provides a complete set of tools for running and managing a scientific python work environment on your system.
This collection of materials was developed for the University of New Mexico Libraries' Code & Coffee workshop series to provide a high-level introduction to programming concepts illustrated with the Python programming language. The workshop content is contained in a collection of Jupyter Notebooks:
Session 1 (2 hours)
- Conceptual Overview: 1.1-Programming Concepts.ipynb
- Basic Programming Operations: 1-Intro-tutorial-babyname-data.ipynb
Session 2 (2 hours)
- Functions: 2.1-Functions.ipynb
As the workshop has evolved over time, additional tutorials covering these same topics have been developed. The tutorials directory in this repository includes those. Tutorials are organized according to the dataset used.
Other samples from previous workshops:
- Surname analysis example: Name_Data.ipynb
- Library shelf space analysis example: Space Analysis.ipynb
The baby name data tutorial uses a modified subset of the following:
Social Security Administration (2022). "Baby Names from Social Security Card Applications - National Data." Accessed from https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/baby-names-from-social-security-card-applications-national-data
The bird egg tutorial data uses data from the following source:
Mary Caswell Stoddard, Ee Hou Yong, Derya Akkaynak, Catherine Sheard, Joseph A. Tobias, L. Mahadevan. 2017. "Avian egg shape: Form, function, and evolution". Science. 23 June 2017. Vol. 356, Issue 6344. pp. 1249-1254. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaj1945. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/356/6344/1249