Firmware for the myBLDC motor driver board.
- SPI driver refactoring needs testing - UPDATE: it works!
- replace ADC_SAMPLES[] with a struct and check memory addressing
- write PID library
- figure out if/where I need to use floats or Q_types
- currently using floats everywhere
- implement fault codes for DRV
- sort of!
- think of fault modes that aren't reported by DRV. eg: can't read from DRV
- SWO printing of ADC data on a separate channel, for eventual visualisation (research cortex-debug vis)
- Calculate back EMF
- test current sensing by logging and plotting current
- angle observer (this is kind of a big thing...)
- hinges on back EMF sensing
- Blind startup (ramp from unknown state until angle can be properly observed)
- CANbus comms
- logging to file, perhaps over CAN?