A small support library created to analyze sboxes.
The tool exists in three pieces, the data, the raw library and the wrapper around the raw library. The raw library provides all lower-level functions needed to do the analysis itself. The wrapper calls the functions, perform the work on the original sbox and the seven rotations it creates, and prints the output to a file.
There is a main function that will run through the given data, preform the work requested and output to a file.
Created by David Tran (unsignedzero)
- Bugfix: Coveralls badge placed correctly. [skip ci]
- Added make recipe to run lcov locally. [skip ci]
- Cleaning up README.md. [skip ci]
- Bugfix: argv check starts at 2, not 1.
- Added coverall badge.
- Tests work correctly on Travis-Ci.
- Skipping Ci tests since no code changed. [skip ci]
- Adding code coverage tests to run. cpp-coveralls failing in makefile but gcov works locally. No files seen on coverall site but seen locally in lcov reports.
- Added BitDeli badge.
- Fixed bad commit author names in repo.
- Make file removes output files now after completion.
- Restored static keyword that was moved.
- Added travis-ci test logo to README.
- Bugfix: Values of InverseSbox need to be decremented by 1.
- Bug found with function calculateOrderSbox. Fixing...
- Bugfix: Filename mismatch.
- Adding include location in make and removing folding path in sboxMain.
- Setting Travis-CI to default only run make, as autotools is not used.
- Testing Travis-CI tests. Commits after this might be deleted that they involve checking Travis-CI and making sure the tests run correctly.
- Make test will run through both tests.
- sboxMain can read from args passed in.
- Creating test option for make.
- Moved data.h files into data directory.
- Removed unneeded dependencies due to separating files.
- Separated sboxSupportLib into three files.
- Fixing template issue.
- At linking stage, all lib files are separately created as oppose to one giant file.
- Lib files are in lib folder and statically linked in compile time.
- Reordered includes. Preparing for static libs.
- Library initially created, commented and tested.