This is a simple, lightweight library for displaying text info in three character sizes on an 0,96" monochrome organic liquid crystal display (128x64 pixels) It has been tested with the following device: - 0,96" I2C OLED, Manufacturer: Heltec-Taobao - Teensy 3.2
Watch it in action here on Youtube. Used for a small MIDI controller project: A Teensy-Based Midi Controller.
If this library is not for you, you may try the Adafruit_SSD1306 library - does the same things more consistently,
Forked from a project by deloarts because I built my own character enlargement routines into it - using a small and simple 8x8 pixel font, it can display nice, readable characters in three sizes 1x, 2x, and 3x (i.e. with up to 24x24px).
- Replace CP437 font with a CP1252 font and...
- ...add println() functionality to interpret the most used utf-8 chars (this is the way the Arduino IDE stores umlauts)
- Clean up and all that
My blog can be found at
For further information on deloarts' original project, please visit:
- Blog:
- Website, english version:
- Website, german version:
- Download all files as ZIP
- In the Arduino/Teensyduino IDE, select "Sketch/Add library.../Select ZIP". Add the library
- Add <OLED_I2C_128x64_Monochrome.h> to your sketch
- The library creates an object called oled - the first thing to do is to call the method oled.initialize();
void initialize();
void sendCommand(byte Command);
void sendData(byte Data);
void printChar(byte Char);
void printChar(byte Char, byte PosX, byte PosY);
void printString(const byte *Data, byte PosX = 255, byte PosY = 255);
void printNum(signed char Data);
void printNum(char Data, byte PosX, byte PosY);
void printHex(byte Data);
void drawBitmap(const byte *Bitmaparray, byte PosX, byte PosY, byte Width, byte Height);
void clearDisplay();
void setPos(byte PosX, byte PosY);
void setCursor(byte PosX, byte PosY);
void setBlackBackground();
void setWhiteBackground();
void setDisplayOff();
void setDisplayOn();
void setPageMode();
void setHorizontalMode();
void setBrightness(byte Brightness);
void rotateDisplay180();
void setFontSize(byte f);
void invert(boolean f);
byte px, py, fontsize;
Compared with deloarts' project, these additional methods exist:
- oled.fontsize = f with f in {1, 2, 3}
- oled.invert(true) to print black characters on white ground
- oled.printNum(byte) - print three-digit values from -99 to 127 -> will rename that to oled.printByte
- oled.printHex(byte) - print hexadecimal values
- oled.px and for the cursor position, can be set by oled.setCursor()
- oled.setPos is an internal method to set the graphics cursor