Wordbase Solver is live! http://wordbase.alexjiao.com
- OpenCV and Python bindings
- pytesseract for Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
cd wordbase-solver/src
python extract_game_board_text.py wordbase.png
to print out the gameboard in consolepython tst_wrapper.py
to try out the tree loaded with dictionarypython solver.py [blue/orange] [/path/to/screenshot.jpg]
to find suitable words in the given screenshot, given the player color
##How it works
Image before preprocessing | Intermediate image | Preprocessed image used for OCR
- The screenshot is preprocessed using OpenCV functions to generate a B&W image which makes OCR more effective
- Simple thresholding is used to convert the screenshot to B&W
- Contour finding is used to find inverted regions and invert them
- Erosion is used to deal with tricky cases where two diagonal inverted regions stick with each other, making it difficult to obtain the contours
- Tesseract is used to recognize individual characters from the preprocessed B&W image
- Characters are stored in a 2D array, along with its color mapping.
- A tree data structure is initialized to store 170k+ English words from the dictionary with O(w) lookup where w is the length of the word
- A graph of characters and their neighbors is created from the 2D array, and DFS is employed to find all valid words from the graph
- The list of valid words is sorted according to the word's promixity to the opponent's base (the nearer, the better).
##To-do list
- Dockerization since setting up dependencies is quite time consuming
- Make web app more user-friendly