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Releases: uptake/uptasticsearch


02 Mar 07:05
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uptasticsearch 1.0.0

Breaking Changes

Removed support for Elasticsearch 1.0.3

  • #224 The oldest support version is now 1.7.6.


Added support for Elasticsearch 7 and 8

  • #204, #209, #213, #220, #245 Added support for Elasticsearch 7.3.2 through 8.17.2. Later versions will hopefully still work, "support" here just means "validation via testing".

Added retry logic for all HTTP requests

  • #172 Changed all code in the R package to retry failed HTTP requests. This should make {uptasticsearch} more resilient to transient network issues.

Reduced set of required dependencies

  • #249 Dropped {httr} from Imports dependencies, replaced it with {curl}. Note that {curl} was already a hard runtime dependency of {httr}, so this is a net reduction in the set of dependencies required to install {uptasticsearch}.
  • #243 Dropped {assertthat} from Imports dependencies.
  • #240 Dropped {uuid} from Imports dependencies.
  • #236 Switched vignettes from {rmarkdown} to {markdown}.
  • #235 Removed {covr} from Suggests dependencies.
  • #211 Removed {devtools} from development workflows, in favor of the underlying libraries its entrypoints called. {devtools} was not listed as a dependency in DESCRIPTION, so this only affects building from sources pulled from version control.

Added compatibility with {testthat} 3.x

  • #237 Removed uses of testthat::with_mock(), to avoid compatibility issues with R 4.5.0 and beyond.
  • #232 Removed uses of testthat::context(), switched to testthat::SummaryReporter, some other cleanup.

Refreshed docs website

  • #244, #246 Rebuilt the docs site with the latest version of {pkgdown}, {roxygen2}, and everything they pull in.

Added a conda-forge package

conda install -c conda-forge r-uptasticsearch


Fixed some small R CMD check issues.

  • #252 Fixed NOTEs about URLs that redirect to other locations.
  • #219 Fixed this:
Version: 0.4.0
Check: LazyData
Result: NOTE
     'LazyData' is specified without a 'data' directory

Fixed validation of es_indices in get_fields()

  • #243 The type of argument es_indices to get_fields() was previously not checked, which could lead to confusing errors. {uptasticsearch} now correctly checks it and raises an informative error if it is not a non-empty string.


12 Sep 02:25
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uptasticsearch 0.4.0


Added support for ES7.x


12 Sep 02:17
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uptasticsearch 0.3.1


Minor changes to unit tests to comply with CRAN

  • #136 removed calls to closeAllConnections() in unit tests because they were superfluous and causing problems on certain operating systems in the CRAN check farm.

Changed strategy for removing duplicate records

  • #138 changed our strategy for deduping records from unique(outDT) to unique(outDT, by = "_id"). This was prompted by Rdatatable/data.table#3332 (changes in data.table 1.12.0), but it's actually faster and safer anyway!


19 Jun 06:53
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uptasticsearch 0.3.0


Full support for ES6.x

  • #64 added support for ES6.x. The biggest change between that major version and v5.x is that as of ES6.x all requests issued to the ES HTTP API must pass an explicit Content-Type header. Previous versions of ES tried to guess the Content-Type when none was declared
  • #66 completed support for ES6.x. ES6.x changed the supported strategy for issuing scrolling requests. uptasticsearch will now hit the cluster to try to figure out which version of ES it is running, then use the appropriate scrolling strategy.


get_fields() when your index has no aliases

  • previously, get_fields() broke on some legacy versions of Elasticsearch where no aliases had been created. The response on the _cat/aliases endpoint has changed from major version to major version. #66 fixed this for all major versions of ES from 1.0 to 6.2

get_fields() when your index has multiple aliases

  • previously, if you had multiple aliases pointing to the same physical index, get_fields() would only return one of those. As of #73, mappings for the underlying physical index will now be duplicated once per alias in the table returned by get_fields().

bad parsing of ES major version

  • as of #64, uptasticsearch attempts to query the ES host to figure out what major version of Elasticsearch is running there. Implementation errors in that PR led to versions being parsed incorrectly but silently passing tests. This was fixed in #66. NOTE: this only impacted the dev version of the library on Github.

ignore_scroll_restriction not being respected

  • In previous versions of uptasticsearch, the value passed to es_search() for ignore_scroll_restriction was not actually respected. This was possible because an internal function had defaults specified, so we never caught the fact that that value wasn't getting passed through. #66 instituted the practice of not specifying defaults on function arguments in internal functions, so similar bugs won't be able to silently get through testing in the future.

Deprecations and Removals

  • #69 added a deprecation warning on get_counts(). This function was outside the core mission of the package and exposed us unnecessarily to changes in the Elasticsearch DSL.


13 Apr 18:53
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uptasticsearch 0.2.0


Faster unpack_nested_data

  • #51 changed the parsing strategy for nested data and made it 9x faster than the previous implementation

Retry logic

  • Functions that make HTTP calls will now use retry logic via httr::RETRY instead of one-shot POST or GET calls


01 Sep 15:21
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uptasticsearch 0.1.0


Elasticsearch metadata

  • get_fields returns a data.table with the names and types of all indexed fields across one or more indices

Routing Temporary File Writing

  • es_search now accepts an intermediates_dir parameter, giving users control over the directory used for temporary I/O at query time


Empty Results

  • Added logic to short-circuit and return early with an informative message if a query matches 0 documents


03 Aug 13:58
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uptasticsearch 0.0.2


Main function

  • es_search() executes an ES query and gets a data.table

Parse raw JSON into data.table

  • chomp_aggs() converts a raw aggs JSON to data.table
  • chomp_hits() converts a raw hits JSON to data.table


  • unpack_nested_data() deals with nested Elasticsearch data not in a tabular format
  • parse_date_time() parses date-times from Elasticsearch records

Exploratory functions

  • get_counts() examines the distribution of distinct values for a field in Elasticsearch