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Wollok v1.5 Epicuro

Fernando Dodino edited this page Jul 27, 2016 · 30 revisions


New Features

There are several new classes:

  • Date
  • Interval: a continuous set of real numbers
  • Dictionary: a key/value implementation


But also, there are new helpful methods in several classes:

  • String
  • numbers
  • collections

Remember, you can search it by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F3 and entering a Class Name



(Almost) every class & method is now documented in (Wollok)doc, with examples



There was a major refactor in built-in wollok libraries. Now you have several extensible and shorter .wlk libs:

  • lang.wlk
  • lib.wlk
  • game.wlk


Now Wollok validates that you should use 'self' word inside a WKO and not the name of the referenced WKO:


It also warns the developer when using a variable just to return a value:


Common bad smells like if (true) return true else false are now marked as errors: 😸




In version 1.4.x there was a strange behavior when editing a Wollok class, object, program or test. Duplicate lines appeared or extra newlines where inserted between lines. This issue is fixed.

SVN Integration

Now Wollok comes with SVN integration through subversive plugin.




New features:

  • Now REPL allows pasting text from clipboard
  • It also copies plain text and RTF without adding ANSI escape characters
  • You can run a REPL without needing a Wollok file


You can activate Static Diagrams by selecting Window > Show View > Other... Static Diagram

New Features:

  • You can now export diagram to PNG image
  • WKO & Mixins are located at first row
  • Classes are below that line, but if no objects and mixins are found, classes take their place
  • WKO locate left-side Mixins
  • Now WKO don't show inheritance line to Object class.
  • But if a WKO inherits from another class, this connector appears in the diagram.
  • Inheritance connections between WKO and mixins are always shown
  • Superclasses located in a centered-align position based on how many subclasses they have
  • Accessors methods are now filtered, checking a method that has same name as a variable, as Wollok convention establishes (not checking for set/get methods)

Fixed bugs:

  • connections were in a weird position if you scrolled down or resized the diagram.
  • If a WKO & a class shared the same mixin, it appeared twice.
  • Instance variable names didn't appear in diagram.

Issues solved

You can see here a list of all issues solved in this release.

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