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ohsk edited this page Nov 25, 2014 · 2 revisions

Target users

We have identified two different target users for this map:

Neighborhood residents:

The first and primary user for the map is the everyday resident of one of Solo’s neighborhoods, a person that has access to the Internet with a mobile device, but limited knowledge of software tools or understanding about policy making city governance. The most important view for this user would be a streamlined view centered on his or her kelurahan, showing a list of projects on that administrative division, their location, some basic filtering tools, pictures of the projects and a way to socially interact with each of the projects.

Urban planners, researchers, local government officials:

The second user is a person with more understanding about the macro scale behavior of the city. For this user, tools such as color coded maps of the city and filtering of the data would be needed. The more advanced views for this user type should lie unobtrusively as to not overwhelm the general user.

General concept for the User Experience

Yellow indicates more "advanced" or "analytical" flow.

Pink indicates neighborhood resident "fast track," and generally indicates the main focus of the mobile experience.