Service to handle progress of time execution of service and methods in your Symfony2 application
On the composer.json file add :
"require": {
"urodoz/execution-stats": "dev-master",
Run composer update
php composer.phar update
Add the bundle to the AppKernel.php
$bundles = array(
new Urodoz\TimeExecutionStatsBundle\UrodozTimeExecutionStatsBundle();
You can add the bundle only in dev and test environment as follows
if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
//Adding bundle to dev and test environments
$bundles[] = new Urodoz\TimeExecutionStatsBundle\UrodozTimeExecutionStatsBundle();
Update the Doctrine schema (you can use --dump-sql option before to check the SQL executed). The tracking time data is stored on a log table inside your data model.
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
You can access now to the time tracking service urodoz.timeTracker.
The parameters to track a service are :
- Name : Name (unique) of the tracking item
- Tag : Used to group results
- Version : The version of the service. Can be a generic parameter setted for all platform. The graphs will show the progression of performance between different versions.
Example of tracking :
protected function doSomeTask()
//Head of the method
if($this->getContainer()->has("urodoz.timeTracker")) {
if($this->getContainer()->has("urodoz.timeTracker")) {
Once the bundle has been installed. You have access to 3 new commands on your app/console :
php app/console urodoz:statsbundle:pack
Will pack the data on database
php app/console urodoz:statsbundle:ranking
Show the slower tracking methods or services , optionally grouped by tags
php app/console urodoz:statsbundle:show
Show data of performance improve, referenced from the last versions of a single service. Here you can see how the service has progressd into different versions in execution time
Currenty on development
Currenty on development