This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
A simple Recipe page website! Built by me, V.Bispo, as a project to be submitted to Frontend Mentor.
- Live Site URL:
I did not use any CSS preprocessor this time, and i wanted to tackle the challenge with hands-on proper CSS and HTML.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties and @media
- Flexbox
- Responsive workflow
I learned that developing the front-end of a website requires more creativity than technical prowess, in fact. It is a creative process in which you can plan a website using digital tools and then the only technical challenge is only the start of the process.
I seem to have had a very good understanding of HTML and CSS while building this project, and i am proud of that, but i currently am seeking to understand more technologies such as TypeScript, React, MongoDB, and other full-stack web developer tools.
- GitHub Copilot - GitHub Copilot was my autocomplete tool and provides a lot of utility when it comes to productivity, i definitely recommend for anyone who is willing to use it.
- W3S Schools - This is an amazing website with easy-to-access documentation on many programming languages, i used it to understand deeper contexts of what i was doing.
- LinkedIn - Vitor Bispo Brauna
- Frontend Mentor - @usasag