Survey to recommend programs for small businesses
This describes the new React-based form interface.
To test a "production" build:
$ yarn build $ cp -r build docs/questions $ cd docs && python -m SimpleHTTPServer
On the first run:
$ yarn install
And then to test the form interface:
$ yarn start
This will open a browser window with just the form.
The contents of the form itself are defined in src/form.json
We list all questions in order in docs/questions.js
Sample question:
"q110_is_non_profit": {
html: "<p> \
Is your organization for-profit or not-for-profit? \
yes_text: "For-profit",
no_text: "Not-for-profit",
yes_hides: ["non-profit"]
- yes_text, no_text: replaces default "Yes" and "No" on buttons
- classes: HTML classes (for example: "non-profit local") which can be used to show/hide questions
- yes_hides, no_hides: array of classes, selects questions to hide and show
- hard_pass: true: ends survey if you answer "Yes" (e.g. is this an illegal business?)
- hard_pass: false: ends survey if you answer "No" (e.g. do you have a business license in our state?)
- input: for numeric inputs: { name: "", label: "", examples: "" }
- skippable: true: add "Not Sure"/"Skip" button
- skippable: "Pass": add "Not Sure"/"Skip" button and replace default text
"Basic Information": { header: true }
In docs/formflow.js
, set which question codes should be answered YES
or NO. More complex questions, such as numeric values, are answered with
functions. If the user clicks "Skip", "Not Sure", or otherwise avoids a
question, it will not count against them (i.e. "required_no" behaves more like
loan_program_A: {
required_yes: ["q1_is_non_profit_reg_in_nj", "q2_physical_location_in_nj", "q12_is_specific_industry"],
required_no: ["q3_is_home_based", "q14_is_prohibited_type"],
eval: {
"q8_number_of_fte": function (fte) {
fte = parseNumber(fte);
return fte >= 1 && fte <= 10;
Update UI options:
var language_defaults = {
en: {
yes_text: "Yes",
no_text: "No",
Add to questions and headers:
"Section Title": {
header: true,
es: "Spanish Section Title"
test: {
html: "English text",
yes_text: "English: yes button",
es: {
html: "Spanish text",
yes_text: "Spanish: yes button"
Currently a static site. If you are a Node dev:
npm install http-server -g
cd docs
We included Bootstrap, jQuery, and Popper as local files to avoid third-party CDNs and dependencies.
We welcome contributions to open source code and documentation
See for additional information.
Creative Commons Zero license