Anjani v2.4
What's new
- Anjani: Add event StopPropagation #142 by @adekmaulana on #143
- Plugins: Add canonical plugin
- This plugin only available for @dAnjani_Bot
- Plugins: Stats: add more information #140 by @adekmaulana on #148
- Anjani: Database: fix connection for windows
- Anjani: Database: Update for pymongo 4.2
- Anjani: Fix permission check filter
- Anjani: fix privileges checking
- Anjani: fix race condition with pyrogram dispatcher
- Anjani: iterate all Future exception
- Anjani: Set default parse mode to markdown
- languages: spell checkup by @tomyprs on #133
- Notes: Fix wrong parse mode
- Plugins: add Lockings by @adekmaulana on #130
- Reporting: Fix when command invoked by non-member
- SpamPrediction: Fix backup data projection
- SpamPrediction: fix checker for anonymous admins
- SpamPrediction: Fix failed to get user on ban callback
- SpamPrediction: Fix missed text normalize on spam logging
- SpamPrediction: fix some strings
- SpamPrediction: lower normalized text
- SpamPrediction: Normalize text before running estimator
- util: time: fix f-string error on float
- Welcome: Re-added None check of User.first_name removed on #115
- Add COC, issues template and Code owners
- Anjani: remove sp_token related
- Dockerfile: Run with poetry
- SpamPrediction: Only log public groups
- SpamPrediction: skip on short messages
- Stats: make command only on private
- Update CodeQL
Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.4