Space project is a Computer Science Special Topics game project attempting to combine elements of both space invaders and bullet hell style of play with a player moving in all directions to avoid bullets while clearing waves of aliens in a space invaders style.
if you are trying to download from the merge-requested branch then you will need to copy all the files present in that branch to the empty src of a java project and run space invader.
if you have any asset submissions email Parker or Mohammed at either [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
/* Dimentions for sprites:
* player: 32 x 32
* player shot: 8 x 8
* boss: 128 x 128
* boss shot: 16 x 16
* alien: 32 x 32
* alien bomb: 8 x 8
* all audio must be in .wav format
* all images must be .png with no background