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word_lists 2.1.0

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$ npm install @skedwards88/word_lists@2.1.0
Install via package.json:
"@skedwards88/word_lists": "2.1.0"

About this version

Word Lists

This repo takes several word lists and compiles them to a list of common words and a list of less common words.


To use the word lists, npm install @skedwards88/word_lists. You may need to modify your .npmrc file to include @skedwards88:registry= For more information, see the GitHub docs on installing a package.

You can import all of the words or a subset of words by length. For example import {commonWords, uncommonWordsLen4} from "@skedwards88/word_lists";. The exports are:

Export Description
commonWords All common words
commonWordsLen2 All common words of length 2
commonWordsLen3 All common words of length 3
commonWordsLen4 All common words of length 4
commonWordsLen5 All common words of length 5
commonWordsLen6 All common words of length 6
commonWordsLen7 All common words of length 7
commonWordsLen8plus All common words of length 8+
uncommonWords All uncommon words
uncommonWordsLen2 All uncommon words of length 2
uncommonWordsLen3 All uncommon words of length 3
uncommonWordsLen4 All uncommon words of length 4
uncommonWordsLen5 All uncommon words of length 5
uncommonWordsLen6 All uncommon words of length 6
uncommonWordsLen7 All uncommon words of length 7
uncommonWordsLen8plus All uncommon words of length 8+


Does compiled/commonWords.txt include a word that you think is not commonly known, or does compiled/uncommonWords.txt include a word that you think is commonly known? Feel free to open a pull request to modify compiled/notActuallyCommon.txt or compiled/notActuallyUncommon.txt, and run npm run build to compile the changes. Or, feel free to open an issue. All word choices is up to the discretion of the repository owner.


Raw word lists

raw/wordnik.txt is an opensource wordlist from Wordnik. It contains ~200,000 entries, plus a few entries that were added as per user request.

raw/wiki.txt is the word frequency on Wikipedia, compiled by It contains ~2.6 million entries, including non-English entries.

raw/gutenberg.txt is the 40,000 most common words on Project Gutenberg, as compiled in the April 16, 2006 list by Wiktionary.

raw/movies.txt is the 10,000 most common words from movies and TV, as compiled in the 2006 list by Wiktionary.

LDNOOBW.txt is the "list of dirty, naughty, obscene, and otherwise bad words" from LDNOOBW, minus multi-word phrases, minus words not in raw/wordnik.txt, minus words that were subjectively deemed to be non-offensive due to a non-slang or scientific meaning, plus variations of words.

Processed word lists

Files were processed into files that contain words that also exist in the Wordnik list but not the LDNOOBW word list.

processed/wordnik.txt is raw/wordnik.txt minus words from LDNOOBW.txt. processed/ is the script that generated this file.

processed/gutenberg.txt is raw/gutenberg.txt minus words that do not exist in processed/wordnik.txt. processed/ is the script that generated this file.

processed/movies.txt is raw/movies.txt minus words that do not exist in processed/wordnik.txt. processed/ is the script that generated this file.

processed/wiki.txt is raw/wiki.txt, minus words that words that do not exist in processed/wordnik.txt. processed/ is the script that generated this file.

Compiled word lists

compiled/commonWords.txt consists of words that are on common to wordnik, wiki, and gutenberg AND words that are common to wordnik and movies. It omits words from LDNOOBW.txt. In addition, the list excludes the manually compiled compiled/notActuallyCommon.txt that were deemed subjectively not common and includes the manually compiled compiled/notActuallyUncommon.txt that were deemed subjectively not uncommon.

compiled/uncommonWords.json consists of all of the wordnik words that are not in compiled/commonWords.txt, minus words from LDNOOBW.txt.

Additionally, there are corresponding files for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8+ letter words. For example, compiled/uncommonWordsLen3.json consists of all of the 3-letter words from compiled/uncommonWords.json.

These files were generated by compiled/



  • word_lists-2.1.0.tgz

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