OSM Map Matcher matches GPS coordinates to existing OSM highways. Currently it returns solely the id of the matched highways.
- python-gdal
- psycopg2
- PostgreSQL with PostGIS and pgRouting
createdb omm -U postgres;
psql -U postgres -d omm -U postgres -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql -U postgres -d omm -U postgres -c "CREATE EXTENSION pgrouting;"
python OSMmapMatcher.py
If the script exits, a GPX file is generated osm_date-time.gpx
- Go to https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit
- Drag and drop the GPX file
- Digitize the road
- Use
as a commit message
Else a table with the matching OSM streets is created in the database
- first OSM segment is found by closest distance
- all further features need to connect to previously selected feature
- feature is selected based on weighted distance and bearing