This repo includes codes for our recent publication.
One can run to start the simulation study. The results will appear in the folder "results".
Required packages: numpy, csv, gurobipy
Required solver: Gurobi
For each scenario, there will be four actions.
- Two txt files will be created with names showing the dynamic parameters (can be seen below). The files include the following
- Optimal objective function values
- Data private model iteration results (in an every 10 iterations)
- Data private model objective function value
- Data private model decision variable values
- Differentially private model iteration results (in an every 10 iterations)
- Differentially private model objective function value
- Differentially private model decision variable values
- For each scenario, a row will be added to "results.csv". The row includes the following
- the parameters of the scenario
- objective function values of 3 models
- primal solutions of 3 models
- # (parties * max_product) entries for the initial model
- # (parties * max_product) entries for the distributed model
- # (parties * max_product) entries for the differentially private model
- dual solutions of 3 models
- # (m + parties * max_private_cap) entries for the initial model
- # parties * (m + max_private_cap) entries for the distributed model
- # parties * (m + max_private_cap) entries for the differentially private model
- For each scenario, a row will be added to both dataPrivate.csv and diffPrivate.csv. Rows include the followings
- dataPrivate.csv
- seed value
- \bar{s}_k values for each party
- best objective function value so far
- diffPrivate.csv
- seed value
- \bar{s}_k values for each party
- shared resource capacities
- best s_k values
- epsilon
- delta
- best objective function value so far
- dataPrivate.csv
Current dynamic parameters for the simulation in
- Number of parties (parties): 5
- Number of shared resources (m): 5
- Epsilon (epsilon): [0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25]
- Delta (delta): [0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20]
- Upper Limit on shared resources (upper_limit_policy, upper_limit_coef): [0.15, 0.30, 0.50, 1.00]
- Seed (seed): 1 to 100 with increments 1
Current static parameters for the simulation in
- maximum number of iterations for data-private model (max_iter_subgradient): 5000
- maximum number of iterations for differentially private model (max_iter): 100
- maximum number of product for each party (max_product): 15
- maximum number of private capacity for each party (max_private_cap): 10
The inputs of the original model (A_k, B_k, b_k, r_k, c) are mostly generated randomly. The parameters of these inputs can be seen in Section 3 of the paper.