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hexagons from carto
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Amit Kapadia committed Dec 14, 2012
1 parent 03416a1 commit 3c1f0b8
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Showing 9 changed files with 4,846 additions and 323 deletions.
233 changes: 149 additions & 84 deletions app/controllers/
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Expand Up @@ -8,24 +8,25 @@ L = require 'zooniverse/vendor/leaflet/leaflet-src'
moment = require('moment/moment')
animals = require('lib/animals')

class Explore extends Controller
className: 'explore'

dateGranularity: 10
cartoTable: 'serengeti_random'
cartoTable: 'serengeti'
layers: []
styles: ['#d32323', '#525b46']
dateFmt: 'DD MMM YYYY, hh:mm A'
dateFmt: 'DD MMM YYYY'

maxCache: 10
cache: []

'change select.filter' : 'onSpeciesSelect'
'click input[name="scope"]' : 'setUserScope'
'click button.species' : 'onPickSpecies'
'click button.species' : 'showAnimalMenu'
'click div[data-animal]' : 'setSpecies'
'mouseleave .animals' : 'hideAnimalMenu'
'click div[data-animal]' : 'onSpeciesSelect'
'change .legend input' : 'toggleLayer'

'.sign-in' : 'signInContainer'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,33 +60,121 @@ class Explore extends Controller
centerOffset: [0, 0]
zoom: 11
className: 'full-screen'

# Set bounds for the map
southWest = new L.LatLng(-3, 34)
northEast = new L.LatLng(-2, 36)
bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(southWest, northEast)
@map.el.appendTo @el.find('.map-container')

# Create a custom layer
@terrainLayer = L.tileLayer("/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
minZoom: 7
maxZoom: 12
attribution: 'Natural Earth ('
noWrap: true

# Append div for showing date range
@el.find('.map-container .map').prepend("<div class='dates'></div>")
@dateEl = @el.find('.map-container .map .dates')

# Create legend
@el.find('.map-container .map').prepend("<div class='legend'></div>")
@legendEl = @el.find('.map-container .map .legend')
@legendEl.append("<span class='animal-name' data-index='1'></span><input type='checkbox' checked='true' id='layer1' data-index='1' /><label for='layer1'></label><br/>")
@legendEl.append("<span class='animal-name' data-index='2'></span><input type='checkbox' checked='true' id='layer2' data-index='2' /><label for='layer2'></label>")

# Set date range
@startDate = moment('01 Jul 2010, 00:00 PM+02:00')
endDate = moment('01 Apr 2012, 00:00 PM+02:00')
@interval = endDate.diff(@startDate) / @dateGranularity



onUserSignIn: =>
@el.toggleClass 'signed-in', !!User.current
@my.removeAttr('disabled') # enable 'My Classifications'

initCartoDBLayer: =>
query1 = "WITH hgrid AS (SELECT CDB_HexagonGrid(ST_Expand(CDB_XYZ_Extent({x},{y},{z}),CDB_XYZ_Resolution({z}) * 15),CDB_XYZ_Resolution({z}) * 15 ) as cell) SELECT hgrid.cell as the_geom_webmercator, avg(i.how_many) as prop_count FROM hgrid, serengeti i WHERE i.species = 'zebra' AND ST_Intersects(i.the_geom_webmercator, hgrid.cell) GROUP BY hgrid.cell"
query2 = "WITH hgrid AS (SELECT CDB_HexagonGrid(ST_Expand(CDB_XYZ_Extent({x},{y},{z}),CDB_XYZ_Resolution({z}) * 15),CDB_XYZ_Resolution({z}) * 15 ) as cell) SELECT hgrid.cell as the_geom_webmercator, avg(i.how_many) as prop_count FROM hgrid, serengeti i WHERE i.species = 'lionFemale' AND ST_Intersects(i.the_geom_webmercator, hgrid.cell) GROUP BY hgrid.cell"

# Enable 'My Classifications'
if User.current
# @requestSpecies(0, 1)
style1 = '''
#serengeti {
line-color: #FFF;
line-opacity: 0.7;
line-width: 1;
[prop_count < 1.5] {polygon-fill:#FFF7F3;}
[prop_count < 2.0] {polygon-fill:#FDE0DD;}
[prop_count < 2.5] {polygon-fill:#FCC5C0;}
[prop_count < 3.0] {polygon-fill:#FA9FB5;}
[prop_count < 3.5] {polygon-fill:#F768A1;}
[prop_count < 4.0] {polygon-fill:#DD3497;}
[prop_count < 4.5] {polygon-fill:#AE017E;}
[prop_count < 5.0] {polygon-fill:#7A0177;}
[prop_count > 5.0] {polygon-fill:#49006A;}

style2 = '''
#serengeti {
line-color: #FFF;
line-opacity: 0.7;
line-width: 1;
[prop_count<1.5] {polygon-fill:#F0F9E8;}
[prop_count<3.0] {polygon-fill:#BAE4BC;}
[prop_count<4.5] {polygon-fill:#7BCCC4;}
[prop_count<6.0] {polygon-fill:#43A2CA;}
[prop_count>6.0] {polygon-fill:#0868AC;}

@cartoLayer1 = new L.CartoDBLayer({
user_name: 'the-zooniverse'
table_name: @cartoTable
infowindow: false
tile_style: style1
query: query1
interactivity: false
auto_bound: false
debug: false
@cartoLayer2 = new L.CartoDBLayer({
user_name: 'the-zooniverse'
table_name: @cartoTable
infowindow: false
tile_style: style2
query: query2
interactivity: false
auto_bound: false
debug: false

setUserScope: (e) ->
setUserScope: -> @setSpecies()

onPickSpecies: (e) =>
@speciesIndex =
toggleLayer: (e) =>
index =
if @el.find("#layer#{index}:checked").length is 0

showAnimalMenu: (e) =>
index =
@animalMenu.attr('data-index', index)
position = if @speciesIndex is '1' then 'left' else 'right'
@animalMenu.attr('data-position', position)

hideAnimalMenu: =>
Expand All @@ -95,24 +184,34 @@ class Explore extends Controller
value = ui.value
@requestSpecies(value, value + 1)

onSpeciesSelect: (e) =>
setSpecies: (e) =>
if e?
console.log "animal = ", or


target =
species =
@["species#{@speciesIndex}"] = or ''
index = target.parentElement.dataset.index or target.parentElement.parentElement.dataset.index

@["species#{index}"] = target.dataset.animal or target.parentElement.dataset.animal

# Swap text in button

@el.find('.legend').css('opacity', 1)

value = @dateSlider.slider('option', 'value')
@requestSpecies(value, value + 1)
@updateCartoQuery(index, @["species#{index}"], value)

updateDateRange: =>
n = @dateSlider.slider('option', 'value')
start = @startDate.clone().add('ms', n * @interval).format(@dateFmt)
end = @startDate.clone().add('ms', (n + 1) * @interval).format(@dateFmt)
$('.map-container .map .dates').html("#{start} &mdash; #{end} (East Africa Time)")
$('.map-container .map .dates').html("#{start} &mdash; #{end}")

getQueryUrl: (query) ->
console.log query
url = encodeURI "{query}"
return url.replace(/\+/g, '%2B') # Must manually escape plus character (maybe others too)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,41 +249,32 @@ class Explore extends Controller
# Methods for querying CartoDB

# Request the minimum and maximum dates of image capture
requestDateRange: =>
query = "SELECT MIN(captured_at), MAX(captured_at) FROM #{@cartoTable}"
if $('input[name="scope"]:checked').val() is 'my'
query += " WHERE user_id = '#{}'"
updateCartoQuery: (index, species, startTimeIndex) =>
query = "WITH hgrid AS (SELECT CDB_HexagonGrid(ST_Expand(CDB_XYZ_Extent({x},{y},{z}),CDB_XYZ_Resolution({z}) * 15),CDB_XYZ_Resolution({z}) * 15 ) as cell) SELECT hgrid.cell as the_geom_webmercator, avg(i.how_many) as prop_count FROM hgrid, serengeti i WHERE i.species = '#{species}' AND ST_Intersects(i.the_geom_webmercator, hgrid.cell) GROUP BY hgrid.cell"

url = @getQueryUrl(query)
$.ajax({url: url, beforeSend: @ajaxStart})
# .then(@requestSpecies)
.fail( (e) -> alert 'Sorry, the query failed')

# Request species counts for all sites between a date interval
requestSpecies: =>
requestSpecies: (n1, n2) =>
start = @startDate.clone()
end = @startDate.clone()

# Get start and end date and update ui
n = @dateSlider.slider('option', 'value')
start = @startDate.clone().add('ms', n * @interval).format(@dateFmt)
end = @startDate.clone().add('ms', (n + 1) * @interval).format(@dateFmt)
$('.map-container .map .dates').html("#{start} &mdash; #{end} (East Africa Time)")
start = @startDate.clone().add('ms', n1 * @interval).format(@dateFmt)
end = @startDate.clone().add('ms', n2 * @interval).format(@dateFmt)
$('.map-container .map .dates').html("#{start} &mdash; #{end}")

query = """
SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(the_geom) as the_geom, species, AVG(how_many), site_roll_code
FROM serengeti_random
SELECT cartodb_id, ST_AsGeoJSON(the_geom_webmercator) as the_geom_webmercator, species, AVG(how_many), site_roll_code
FROM #{@cartoTable}
WHERE (species = '#{@species1}' OR species = '#{@species2}')
if $('input[name="scope"]:checked').val() is 'my'
query += " AND (user_id = '#{}') "
query +=
AND (captured_at BETWEEN '#{start}+02:00' AND '#{end}+02:00')
GROUP BY the_geom, species, site_roll_code
AND (captured_at BETWEEN '#{start}+02:00' AND '#{end}+02:00')
GROUP BY the_geom_webmercator, species, site_roll_code

url = @getQueryUrl(query)
Expand All @@ -211,18 +301,6 @@ class Explore extends Controller
# Methods for receiving query results from CartoDB

getDateRange: (response) =>
result = response.rows[0]

@startDate = moment(result.min)
endDate = moment(result.max)
@interval = endDate.diff(@startDate) / @dateGranularity

n = @dateSlider.slider('option', 'value')
start = @startDate.clone().add('ms', n * @interval).format(@dateFmt)
end = @startDate.clone().add('ms', (n + 1) * @interval).format(@dateFmt)
$('.map-container .map .dates').html("#{start} &mdash; #{end} (East Africa Time)")

getSpecies: (rows) =>

cross = crossfilter(rows)
Expand All @@ -240,39 +318,26 @@ class Explore extends Controller
@layers = []

for species, index in [species1, species2]
# heatmap = []
for row in species
avg = row.avg
[lng, lat] = row.the_geom.coordinates
# heatmap.push {lat: lat, lon: lng, value: avg}

# Create two circles over each other
outerCircle =[lat, lng], 200 * avg, {
circle =[lat, lng], @getRadius(avg), {
fillColor: @styles[index]
fillOpacity: 0.01 * Math.exp(avg / 4)
stroke: false
fillOpacity: @getOpacity(avg)
color: @styles[index]
stroke: true
opacity: 0.7
weight: 0
# innerCircle =[lat, lng], 100 * avg, {
# fillColor: @styles[index]
# fillOpacity: 0.25
# stroke: false
# })

@layers.push outerCircle
# @layers.push innerCircle

# for species, index in [species1, species2]
# for row in species
# avg = row.avg
# [lng, lat] = row.the_geom.coordinates
# circle =[lat, lng], 10 * avg, {
# color: @styles[index]
# fillColor: @styles[index],
# fillOpacity: 0.5
# })
# @layers.push circle

@layers.push circle

getRadius: (x) -> return 1600 * (-1 + 2 / (1 + Math.exp(-2 * 0.25 * x)))
getOpacity: (x) -> return 0.5 * (-1 + 2 / (1 + Math.exp(-2 * x)))

module.exports = Explore

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