** This code is no longer maintained and is now a read-only archive. The service has been re-implemented here: ** https://github.com/uvalib/tracksys2
- Install rbenv or RVM
- Install ruby 2.4.1
- If using rbenv: Run
rbenv rehash
- MySQL 5.6.27 (later version will not work!)
- imagemagick (http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php. Use brew for OSX)
- On OSX, image magick will also need Ghostscript and FreeType (brew install freetype; brew install gs)
- Kakadu (No version for OSX; imagemagick used instead. www.kakadusoftware.com/)
- gem install bundler
- cd /usr/local/projects
- git clone https://github.com/uvalib-dcs/tracksys.git
- cd tracksys
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- bundle install --without development test (for production)
- If using rbenv: rbenv rehash # to run the executables of the newly installed gems.
- Create config/database.yml file with credentials for you MySQL install
- Copy config/application.yml-TEMPLATE to config/application.yml and update variables to match your environment
- rake db:create
- rake db:schema:load
- rake db:seed
NOTE: Spring is included as a gem to speed up the development environment, but it must not be used or installed on production. If it is, rails console will hang. Always use bundler commands like this: bundle install/update --without development test.