This repository contains matlab scripts that generate main figure panels in Uzel et al., Current Biology 2022, A set of hub neurons and non-local connectivity features support global brain dynamics in C. elegans.
note1: Complementary whole-brain imaging datasets that are needed for the scripts can be found in Manuel Zimmer’s public profile:
note2: These scripts are dependent on many matlab functions and .mat files which are present in the repository.
note3: Some matlab functions are taken from other toolboxes, the details are as follows:
-degrees_dir.m and distance_bin.m are from Brain Connectivity Toolbox (BCT) refer to Uzel et al. 2022 Key Resources Table for full citation.
-padconcatenation.m is from Andres Mauricio Gonzalez refer to the script for more details.
-cbrewer.m is from Charles Robert refer to the script for more details.