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Aggregation Operations

Philip Stutz edited this page Sep 17, 2013 · 6 revisions

#What aggregation operations are used for Aggregation functions calculate a global value over the entire graph. This has many uses:

  • Calculate the final result of a computation
  • Compute a global normalization constant
  • Sample some values from the graph
  • Specify a global termination condition for a computation

#How to define aggregation operations

An aggregation operation is specified by implementing the ModularAggregationOperation trait.

 *  An aggregation operation aggregates some value of type `ValueType` over all the vertices in a graph.
trait ModularAggregationOperation[ValueType] extends AggregationOperation[ValueType] {
   *  Extracts values of type `ValueType` from vertices.
  def extract(v: Vertex[_, _]): ValueType

   *  Aggregates all the values extracted by the `extract` function.
   *  @note There is no guarantee about the order in which this function gets executed on the extracted values.
  def aggregate(a: ValueType, b: ValueType): ValueType

   *  Neutral element of the `aggregate` function:
   *  `aggregate(x, neutralElement) == x`
  val neutralElement: ValueType

Every aggregation operation aggregates some value of type ValueType over all the vertices in a graph. The values that get aggregated first get extracted from the vertices with the extract function. The extracted values then get aggregated by the aggregate function. There is no guarantee about the order in which this operation gets executed on the graph. Also required is the neutralElement, which represents the neutral element of the aggregation function aggregate: aggregate(x, neutralElement) == x.

Once an instance of this trait has been created it can be submitted to the aggregate function on an instance of Graph. The returned result is the aggregated value:

trait Graph {
   *  Applies an aggregation operation to the graph and returns the result.
   *  @param aggregationOperation The aggregation operation that will get executed on the graph
   *  @return The result of the aggregation operation.
   *  @note There is no guarantee about the order in which the aggregation operations get executed on the vertices.
   *  @example See concrete implementations of other aggregation operations, i.e. `SumOfStates`.
  def aggregate[ValueType](aggregationOperation: AggregationOperation[ValueType]): ValueType

#Global Termination Conditions In order to use an aggregation operation as a termination condition an instance of GlobalTerminationCondition has to be specified:

 *  GlobalTerminationCondition defines a termination condition that depends on the global state of the graph.
 *  This class is abstract because the should terminate predicate on the aggregated value is not implemented.
 *  @param aggregationOperation The aggregation operation used to compute the globally aggregated value
 *  @param aggregationInterval In a synchronous computation: aggregation interval in computation steps.
 *  In an asynchronous computation: aggregation interval in milliseconds
abstract class GlobalTerminationCondition[ValueType](
  val aggregationOperation: AggregationOperation[ValueType],
  val aggregationInterval: Long = 1000l) {

   *  Determines if the computation should terminate when the aggregated value is `value`.
   *   @param value The current value computed by `aggregationOperation`
   *   @return If the computation should terminate
  def shouldTerminate(value: ValueType): Boolean

GlobalTerminationCondition defines a termination condition that depends on the global state of the graph. The value aggregationOperation is used to compute the globally aggregated value, while aggregationInterval has a different semantic depending on the execution type: In a synchronous computation it specifies the aggregation interval in computation steps. An interval of 2 would mean that the global aggregation condition is checked every other computation step. In an asynchronous computation the parameter aggregationInterval specifies the interval between aggregations in milliseconds. The predicate shouldTerminate is applied to the result of the aggregation operation. If it returns true this means that the computation should end.

Examples for aggregation operations can be found in AggregationOperations.

#Usage examples SumOfStates is defined in AggregationOperations. It represents an aggregation operation that calculates the sum of numeric states. This might be useful to calculate a global normalization factor:

    val graph =
    graph.addVertex(new PageRankVertex(1))
    graph.addVertex(new PageRankVertex(2))
    graph.addEdge(new PageRankEdge(1, 2))
    graph.addEdge(new PageRankEdge(2, 1))
    val sumOfStates = graph.aggregate(new SumOfStates[Double]).get

The next example shows how to specify a global termination condition that gets checked every two synchronous computation steps and terminates when the sum of states is larger than 1.0:

    val graph =
    graph.addVertex(new PageRankVertex(1))
    graph.addVertex(new PageRankVertex(2))
    graph.addEdge(new PageRankEdge(1, 2))
    graph.addEdge(new PageRankEdge(2, 1))
      val terminationCondition = new GlobalTerminationCondition(new SumOfStates[Double], 2) {
        def shouldTerminate(sum: Option[Double]): Boolean = {
          sum.isDefined && sum.get > 1.0
    val execConfig = ExecutionConfiguration
    val info = graph.execute(execConfig)

More usage examples can be found among the tests of the core project in AggregationOperationsSpec.

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