Win forms app that imports the windows kernel32.dll for GUI process thread management.
App is setup to run with admin privileges. Use with caution.
Dll imports:
static extern IntPtr OpenThread(ThreadAccess dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, uint dwThreadId);
static extern uint SuspendThread(IntPtr hThread);
static extern int ResumeThread(IntPtr hThread);
[DllImport("kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);
- Suspend: kernel32.dll handle for opening and suspening selected threads
- Resume: kernel32.dll handle for opening and resuming selected threads
Separate counter thread which can be used for suspend/ resume testing.
Counts to 100.
Standalone rollback service which triggers a resume operation on suspended threads.
Triggers every 10 seconds.
Getting app process, stopping and resuming mock thread execution.
Blocking system threads, waiting for rollback thread to resume.
Closing main window, waiting for thread cleanup.
IDEs: Visual Studio 2022
Frameworks: ASP.NET Core