An simple, Json based web server to print usb serial commands over wifi. Useful for controlling serial devices over the network.
The web server responds to a post request. The body of the request is a json object with the following parameters:
- commands: A array of string values to print out to the serial interface.
- delay: (Optional) The amount of time in milliseconds to wait in between serial commands. Default value is 0.
- ending: (Optional) A string to append after every command (convience to not have to terminate every command). Default value is blank.
This request will print out "HelloWorld" with no new lines.
"comands": ["Hello", "World"]
This request will print out "Hello\nWorld\n", waiting two seconds after each line.
"comands": ["Hello", "World"],
"delay": 2000,
"ending": "\n"
- Setup and install the Ardunio IDE.
- Install the ArdunioJson libary.
- Update the Wifi name and password in the "SerialRelay.hpp" file.
- (Optional): Change any other settings, such as baud rate.