This test-suite created for testing Docker Applications in Murano on MOX. In future it will be used by Murano Team for testing Docker Applications in murano kilo-release.
You need to install requirements.txt and configure config.conf. Please remember, murano_url should ends by port, not by a version.
You can use nosetests to run tests directly.
pip install nose
For high priority sanity test cases you need to run
nosetests -sv
Running single test from test-suite
nosetests -sv
For advanced test cases you need to use
nosetests -sv
If you want to run single test from advanced cases, you need to do the same as in sanity.
nosetests -sv
For old-school applications testing run:
nosetests -sv
Strongly recommended not to run this tests versus poor environments. Multiple starts at same time can cause your Heat component to malfunction. If you have one controller, you need to be sure, that your Heat component works correctly and as fast as possible.
Remember, slow speed of internet connection at your environment can dramatically increase time for creating/updating Heat stack. In this case tests usually fails by timeout.