This application maps data from an API and provides information about countries.
To run the project, follow this instruction:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Download JDK, Apache Maven and Docker
Build the project using:
mvn clean package
Use Docker to build an image and run container:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -p risk-countries-api up -d
- Java 17: the primary programming language for backend development.
- Spring Boot: the framework for building and deploying Java-based applications with ease.
- Spring Boot Starter Data JPA: starter for using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate.
- Spring Boot Starter Web: starter for building web applications, including RESTful APIs.
- H2 Database: an in-memory database for testing purposes.
- PostgreSQL Driver: driver for PostgreSQL integration.
- Lombok: a tool to reduce boilerplate code, enhancing code readability and conciseness.
- Spring Boot Starter Test: starter for testing Spring Boot applications.
- MapStruct: simplifies the implementation of bean mappings, reducing manual coding effort.
- Docker: used for containerization and deployment of the application.
- Springdoc OpenAPI: an OpenAPI for generating documentation.
- Risk countries controller:
GET: /countries/name
-> Get a list of countries by name.GET: /countries/code
-> Get a single country by code.