The ExamCenter is a system built for easy set up for an MCQ Examination System.
Very basic work needs to be done to get this system running.
- Apache, PHP 5-7, MySql (Prefer some LAMP, MAMP or WAMP stack)
- Just point your Base Directory for the domain name to public directory in this source in Apache config.
Some Shared Hostings may not provide a way to point Apache Config to specific directory and leads to single endpoint of public access (eg: public_html). At such times, follow these instructions -
Copy source to directory where public_html or any publicly accessible folder provided by hosting is situated.
- [eg.] If the directory structure with public accessible directory is /public_html, the source path should be /source_directory.
Copy the contents of public folder in source directory to publicly accessible directory (public_html).
- Note: please be careful while replacing the .htaccess file as it holds apache configs for project. Better don't tamper them.
Go to the copied index.php file in and search for -
... $app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php'; ...
and make it point to app.php file in source_dir/bootstrap/
Copy .env.example to .env
Set Database Name, Username, Password to your setup
If you're working on local dev, open a terminal in source directory and run
php artisan migrate
. It will create the desired tables in the database to work over. -
If you're working over a shared hosting, just export the sql file of database using phpmyadmin and import it in your shared hosting.
Now you're good to go