Changelog (Update related changes)
- The Transpiler responsible for slowing down time calculation for food still works, the display just simply doesn't show the changed time, we will implement something for that soon. We choose to stay with this way of modification since most mods are adapted to it.
Changelog (Valheim Plus related changes)
- Added a [Chat] Section to the settings
- Added a option called forcedCase to disable forced Uppercase and Lowercase when shouting or whispering
- Added pingDistance and shoutDistance, if you are outside of this range in meters in comparison to the creator of the shouts or ping- you will not see the ping on the map or the shout on the map. If these values are set to 0, the functions are disabled.
- Added outOfRangeShoutsDisplayInChatWindow, if you have this enabled you will still be able to see all shouts in your chat window even if you are out of shoutDistance range.
- Added defaultWhisperDistance to modify the default chat distance for whispering ingame.
- Added defaultNormalDistance to modify the default chat distance for normal talking ingame.
- Added defaultShoutDistance to modify the default chat distance for shouting ingame.
- Added itemsFloatInWater option in Items category, which allows for all dropped items to float in water.
- Auto Deposit should now work more reliable with beehives.
- Option for when unequipping the worn one-handed weapon to also unequip the shield from inventory.
- Generic 4x8 containers no longer affected by inventory size adjustments, instead only the grave and player inventory.
- All new light sources now affected by Fireplace settings
- Comfort changes now properly applied (issue started with 0.204.4)
- Carts no longer influenced by disableDamageToPlayerStructures
- Added Onions to the Pickable Category
- Adding missing crafting stations to be supported by auto features.
- Removal of the pin sharing system, the new in-game table is a better solution.
- Changes to the EXP display.
- Better Hotkey implementation.
- Better settings menu and control over settings.
Version Changes
- The releases after this one will no longer be having any [STABLE] or [UNSTABLE] tags, since I have to check every release and function myself. If something slips past, I will push a new update with a Hotfix.
- I have a few things I want to implement before going into version 1.0+
I will personally make sure to get V+ to a stable LTS viable state, I got plenty of bugs noted~ most of them aren't that important so I will try to package these into solid releases so people don't have to update their mod every 2 days.
Thanks to everyone who has been contributing and who has been enjoying the mod! ❤️