'Gold Hoarding' is a World of Warcraft addon designed to send gold from your toons from the Mailbox. Can set toons to hold specific amount of gold and send excess to your 'Gold Hoarder'.
Please report bugs on the [Github Issue Reporting] https://github.com/vandiel01/GoldHoarding/issues/new.
The use of [BugGrabber] https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/bug-grabber and [BugSack] https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/bugsack will help tremendously with the debugging process.
You can also contribute to the addon by [Donate] https://paypal.me/Vandiel01
- Author : Olivier Pelletier
- Version : 1.0.6
- Date : 03/18/2015
- Title : Every Gold To Banker (EGTB)