Starter Template for building demos and apps with node.js and express.js
Main purpose of this starter is to save developers time, which is usually spend on creating basic skeletons and structure when building demos and apps with nodejs and express.js
- Pre-defined structure
- Prepared code for databases connections
- Pre-defined api controllers and services
- Prepared validations for api
- Pre-defined global app errors handling
- Prepared strucure for middlewares
- Prettier configerd
- Eslint configured
- Jest test environment configured
- Swagger open api docs prepared for implementation
- Pm2 support for production
You need to setup envs before using the starter.
$ touch .env # create env file
# check .env.example for envs names
Before first launch:
# before fisrt start npm install
Start/stop app:
# run in dev mode npm run start:dev # run in prod mode npm run start:prod #run tests npm run test[:watch/:coverage] #format with prettier npm run format
Starter has pre-defined support of swagger docs. If open api docs are needed, expand swagger.json file with needed docs
Main purpose of this starter template is to rid developers of creating the basic projects skeleton and spending a lot of time with setting up demos and projects configs.
- Feel free to use this starter template for building own apps, modify it as you need and actually change it whatever you like to fit your project demands.
- Feel free to add the database connection(s) that you need in the app.
- Feel free to add the auth strategies that you need in the app.